Processing Transaction Deltas

To process queued transactions immediately, see Recalculating Actuals with the Actuals Verifier.

Work Queue Manager

When using Work Queue Manager, schedule when queued actuals are processed with the Apex class: ActualsScheduled. See Setting up Work Queue Manager.

Scheduled Apex

When not using Work Queue Manager, schedule when queued actuals are processed with the Apex class ActualsScheduled:

  1. From Setup, click Develop | Apex Classes | Schedule Apex.
  2. Enter a job name, such as Nightly Actuals Processing.
  3. Specify the Apex Class name: ActualsScheduled.
  4. Specify the Frequency: Weekly.
  5. Select each day that you want the job to run on.
  6. Specify a Start Date of today, and an End Date in the future.
  7. Specify a Preferred Start Time. We recommend that you set this to a time outside of business hours.
  8. Click Save.

To check whether a job is scheduled and whether it has run, from Setup click Administration Setup | Monitoring | Scheduled Jobs.