Action View Template Fields

The following buttons are available on the action view template home page when a list view has been loaded.

Buttons on the Action View Template Home Page
Button Description
New Takes you to the Action View Template page to create a new template.
Export Takes you to the Export Action Views page. If you select action view templates before clicking this button, the Export Action Views page is pre-populated with the relevant action view templates and their associated dataviews.
Import Takes you to the Import Action Views page.
Refresh Refreshes the list of action view templates.

Here is a description of the interface elements on the Action View Template page.

Button Bar
Button Description
Go to List Returns you to the most recently displayed list view.
Clone Creates a new action view template from the current template's settings. You will be prompted to supply a name for the new template. Any unsaved changes are saved to the new template, but are not saved back to the original template. This button will be disabled if you do not have permission to edit action view templates.
Save Saves the current action view template. This button will be disabled if you do not have permission to edit action view templates.
Save and Run Saves the template and runs an action view using this template; the results are displayed in the current tab. This button will be disabled if you do not have permission to edit action view templates.
Open Help Opens the related Reporting Help topic.
Maximize Minimize Maximizes/Restores the page in your browser window.

Key: * – Mandatory field; The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field     Description
Name * 80 A unique name for the action view template.
Dataview *   The dataview used by this action view template. Once a dataview is in use by an action view template, there are restrictions on what you can edit in the dataview. See Editing Dataviews for details. If you want the action view template to use a different dataview, you must clear all fields from the template before the dataview can be changed.


The Preview panel lets you see how the action view results will be displayed. You can resize the height of the Preview panel by dragging its horizontal splitter bar up or down. You can resize the width of columns in the Preview panel by dragging the vertical splitter bar between column headings. You can change the order of columns by dragging them within the Preview panel.