Custom Object Descriptions

If you decide not to use the standard profiles you might find the following descriptions useful when deciding which permissions to grant.

Key: * "“ Redundant or deprecated in this release; BR "“ Users need access to commit bank reconciliations; CR"“ Users need access to perform currency revaluations

 Custom Object Descriptions
Custom Object   Master Object Description
Accounting Summarization   Accounting Summarization An internal object that stores data generated by the summarization process.
Dataview   Dataview Stores object metadata that will be used for online inquiries.
Dataview Action   Dataview Stores details of an action that has been enabled on a dataview.
Dataview Field   Dataview Stores details of a field that has been added to a dataview.
Dataview Join   Dataview Stores details of a relationship join between a secondary object and the primary object in a dataview.
Dataview Join Filter   Dataview Join Stores the expression that serves as a filter to restrict the data included by a dataview join.
Dataview Transpose Item   Dataview Field Stores a value that will be used to populate a transposed field.
Action View Template   Action View Template Stores a template that is associated with a dataview for the purpose of running action views.
Action View Template Column   Action View Template Stores details of a column that has been added to an action view template.
Action View Template Column Filter   Action View Template Stores the expression that determines what data is retrieved in a column when running an action view.
Action View Template Column Formula   Action View Template Stores the formula associated with a column on an action view template.
Action View Template Common Name   Action View Template Stores the common name associated with a column on an action view template.
Action View Template Filter   Action View Template Stores the expression that determines what data is retrieved when a template is used in action views.
Action View Template RCP   Action View Template Stores the list of related content panes that can be made available on an action view template.
Action View Template Sign Filter   Action View Template Stores the expression that determines whether numbers are displayed with reverse signs in action views.
Action View Template Sort Item   Action View Template Stores the default sorting and grouping options for the display in action views.
Action View Template Transpose Drills   Action View Template Stores the action view templates that have been associated with a transposed column. The templates will be used when drilling.
ActionViewTemplateExcludedAction   Action View Template Junction Object to store dataview actions that are excluded from the actions inherited by an action view template from the dataview it is attached to.
RCP Peer   Action View Template RCP Stores the list of related content panes that can be made available on an action view template.
Related Content Pane   Related Content Pane A Related Content Pane is secondary supporting information for use in action views or similar.
Related Content Pane Component   Related Content Pane Tab Components are discrete pieces of functionality that may reside on a Related Content Pane.
Related Content Pane Tab   Related Content Pane A tab that exists on a Related Content Pane.
Summarization Log   Summarization Template Stores log information for the summarization batch process.
Summarization Run Information   Summarization Template Holds information about the last time a summarization template was built.
Summarization Template   Summarization Template Stores settings to use for data summarization.
Summarization Template Field Process   Summarization Template Stores the method by which information in a field will be aggregated.