Creating a New Reporting Filter Mapping

To create a new reporting filter mapping:

  1. Click the Reporting Definitions tab.
  2. Open the detail page for the reporting definition you want to edit.
  3. Scroll down to the Reporting Data Ranges related list.
  4. Select the appropriate reporting data range.
  5. Click New Reporting Filter Mapping.
  6. Give the new reporting filter mapping a name, such as Toronto or Sales Revenue.
  7. Choose the reporting filterClosed Reusable query criteria. that you want to use, again such as Toronto or Sales Revenue.
  8. Choose whether to apply this filter to the data range as a whole (All) or just to the Column or Row.
  9. If you choose Column or Row in the previous step, select a template keyClosed The reference that the reporting template uses to retrieve the data for the report. from the list provided.
  10. Click Save.

The Automatically Generate Prompt Mappings setting in the Reporting Settings (FF) custom setting automatically creates an associated reporting prompt mapping for you when you create, update, or delete a reporting filter mapping. For more information, see Managing Custom Settings.

To edit an existing reporting filter mapping, click Edit next to the name of the filter mapping on the Reporting Filters Mapping related list.

You can specify the order you want the reporting filter mappings to display on the Reporting Filters Mapping related list. To sort reporting filter mappings:

  1. Click Sort on the Reporting Filters Mapping related list.
  2. For columns, select a template key for each of the reporting filter mappings displayed.
  3. For rows, select a template key for each of the reporting filter mappings displayed.
  4. Click Save.

The reporting filter mappings are sorted alphanumerically by template key on the on the Reporting Filters Mapping related list. The sorting will also be reflected on the associated report.


You cannot use duplicate template keys.