Reporting Filter Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a reporting filterClosed Reusable query criteria..

Reporting Filter Fields
Field     Description
Reporting Filter Name * 80 Name of this reporting filter.

Key: * – Mandatory field
The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Reporting Filter Fields

Field     Description
Description   255 Description of this reporting filter.
Reporting Object *   Lookup to a reporting objectClosed Defines which objects in an organization are available for reporting. record. This defines the primary standard or custom object in your organization on which to base this filter. There is a limit of one primary object per filter record.
Unique Name * 255 A unique name for this reporting filter. Packaged reporting filters include the prefix ffr_. Do not use the ffr_ prefix on your own custom reporting filters.
Value   32768 In view mode, this shows a view of the related filter condition in JSON format.