Creating a Plan
Extended Planning and Analysis allows you to create a blank or a new plan from Analytics data.

To create a blank plan:
- On the Plans tab, click New. The New Plan window appears.
- Select Blank to create a plan from scratch and click Next.
- In the Plan Name field, enter the unique name for your plan. For example, Workforce Planning.
- [Optional] In the Description field, enter the description.
- Click Next.
- In the Plan Builder window:
- From the Dimensions or Measures tab:
- Select at least one dimension or one measure from the dimension or measure list considering the characters typed. All the dimensions or measures created in planning are listed.
- You can only drag and drop the dimensions and measures in the drop Dimension or Measure box on the right side. After you drop the dimensions and measures into the dimension or measure box, it is removed from the Dimensions and Measures list. For more information about Dimensions and Measures, see Dimensions and Measures.
- From the Horizontal Dimension dropbox, drag and drop the dimensions displayed in the left selector panel to indicate the columns of the structure for the plan. For more information about the Horizontal Dimension, see Plan Builder .
- From the Horizontal Measure dropbox, drag and drop the measures displayed in the left selector panel to indicate the values for the plan. For more information about the Horizontal Measure, see Plan Builder .
- From the Dimensions or Measures tab:
- Click Save to save the dimensions and measures information for a plan. You will be redirected to the Plan Lines page. For more information, see Managing Plan Lines.

To create a plan from the data source, you must ensure that you have an existing data source from Analytics in the Planning application.
The data source tile will be disabled if you do not have access to the data source or if no data source is configured. Contact your administrator.
To create a plan from the data source:
- On the Plans tab, click New. The New Plan window appears.
- Select the Data Source title to create a plan using a data source and click Next.
- In the Plan Name field, enter the unique name for your plan. For example, Financial Planning.
- [Optional] In the Description field, enter the description.
- In the Data Source lookup field, select the data source to which you want to relate the plan. For example, Financial Transactions. The information about the data source is filled in automatically in the Data Source Description field. For more information on data sources, see Creating a Data Source.
- Click Next.
- Configure your filters for the plan.
- In the Dimension field, select the dimensions you want to filter by. For example, Account Name.
- In the Operator field, specify the operators. Available operators are the following:
- Contains
- Not Contains
- Start With
- Equals
- Not Equals
- Is Null
- Is Not
- Null
- In the Value field, enter or select the value for the filter that matches your filter logic. For example, AMEX.
- Click Add Condition to configure multiple filters for the plan.
- Click
to delete the existing filter configuration.
- Click Next.
- In the Plan Builder window:
- From the Dimensions or Measures tab:
- Select at least one dimension or one measure from the dimension or measure list. All the dimensions or measures created in planning are listed.
- You can only drag and drop the dimensions or measures in the drop Dimension and Measure box on the right side. After you drop the dimensions and measures into the dimension and measure box, it is removed from the Dimensions and Measures list. For more information about Dimensions and Measures, see Dimensions.
- From the Horizontal Dimension dropbox, drag and drop the dimensions displayed in the left selector panel to indicate the columns of the structure for the plan. For more information about the Horizontal Dimension, see Plan Builder .
- From the Horizontal Measure dropbox, drag and drop the measures displayed in the left selector panel to indicate the values for the plan. For more information about the Horizontal Measure, see Plan Builder .
- From the Dimensions or Measures tab:
- Click Save to save the dimensions and measures information for a plan. You will be redirected to the Plan Lines page. For more information, see Managing Plan Lines.
For more information on dimensions and measures, see Creating a Dimension and Creating a Measure .