Managing Plan Lines

Use the Plan Lines tab to manage your plans and apply calculations.

  • Use the search box above the grid to refine the displayed content and help you find the information you are looking for. You can search the content of any of the displayed columns.
  • While editing a field, press Escape before pressing Enter to revert it to its previous value.

Managing Rows and Columns in Plan Lines

To manage plan lines effectively, you need rows and columns in the table. The rows and columns are the basis for performing calculations and interpreting the data. You need to add new rows and columns to refine calculations and gain insights into the data and for that, the correct structure is important for maximizing data usefulness and ensuring accurate calculation, whether working with one or multiple plan lines.

Adding Calculations to Plan Lines

From the Formula Builder Lightning component, you can use calculations to manipulate and extend the data displayed in your plan lines. Depending on your plan requirements, you can apply formulas to the values displayed under the Measure columns. For example, you might want to sum the value of all displayed columns in your plan items. You can use dimension fields to filter values and create the required formula.

The filter fields depend on the plan and the contained dimensions. For example, if the dimensions include the Company Name and Country fields, then those fields will be available as filters. After the filters are applied, the filtered cells are highlighted.

When using the Formula Builder component, the cell you are working on is clearly highlighted, with the surrounding cells bordered to help you identify it and stay focused. The cell you want to add the formula to is always clearly marked to help you keep track of its location.

Notes: When applying a formula in a cell, the following functionalities are disabled:
  • Deleting rows or columns. This results in the context menus for disabled cells.
  • Redoing or undoing the actions, as all the toolbar buttons are disabled.
  • Editing cells while a formula builder is active.
  • Sorting the columns.

To apply a formula or manually enter a formula in a cell, follow these steps:

  1. Click the row in the plan table where calculations are set for a cell.
  2. Enter calculation values in the Formula field. To separate multiple values, press Enter and click the Formula syntax. You can also vertically expand the Formula field.
    • After you specify the calculation value in the Formula field, the calculation is evaluated and applied for the selected cell. For more information, see Formula Syntax.
    • When you manually update any numeric cells, the calculation automatically applies to other dependent or related cells.
    • When you modify a numeric value, it triggers the formula to recalculate any affected calculations.
    • If you want to undo or redo the update, use the Undo and Redo action buttons and the changes on the dependent cells will also be undone or redone accordingly.
  3. [Optional] Select the Include Calculations checkbox to include other formulas. This will enable you to combine formulas in your current formula to create a grand total. For example, if you have a formula to calculate the total for each dimension, you can use this feature to combine these formulas. The cell you want to add the formula to is always clearly marked to help you keep track of its location. If you deselect the checkbox, you cannot include cells containing the formula in your new formula.
  4. [Optional] Select the Absolute References checkbox to copy a cell with absolute dependencies, paste it in a new location, and set the absolute character on all dimensions filtered in your formula. If you do not want all filtered dimensions to contain the absolute character, select the checkbox and apply the formula. Then, deselect the checkbox if you do not need it. For more information, see Copying and Pasting Cell in Plan.
  5. Filter the dimensions based on the available dimensions. The selected plan cells are highlighted to show inclusion in formulas.
  6. Specify the values in the available fields, based on the plan and the contained dimensions, to filter the measure rows. This determines the highlighted measure cells that indicate what is being selected for inclusion in your formula.
  7. Click Save to save the calculation for the plan line.
  • Ensure that you specify a numeric value. A non numeric value is considered as a formula.
  • The numeric values that are added are updated at runtime. The value gets reflected in the plan cell when you stop typing in the Formula field for a certain amount of time.
  • An error message is displayed if an incorrect formula is entered in the Formula field. For more information about the error, see Plan Errors.

Manually Entering Formulas

You can manually enter a string to apply a formula in the Plan Lines tab or Measure columns.

Formula Syntax

The formula symbols and syntax used in columns and rows in Plan Builder are similar to those used by Microsoft Excel.

Refer to the table below for sample basic operators and functions available for use in Plan Builder. The syntax used in each example varies according to whether it is used in a dimension or Measures column.

Many of these operators are also used in Analytics SAQL functions. For more information, see the Salesforce Help.

Operator Description
SUM() Returns the value of a numeric field.
AVERAGE() Returns the average of the values of a measure field.
COUNT() Returns the sum of all non-blank values in a row.
MAXIMUM() Returns the maximum value of a measure field.
MINIMUM() Returns the minimum value of a measure field.

Importing and Exporting Plan Lines

You can import and export plan lines using Microsoft Excel (XLSX) if you have permission.

For more information, see Importing and Exporting Plans.