Previewing and Creating Assignments When Viewing Resource Requests


To add the View in Resource Planner button, see Adding the View in Resource Planner Button.

When you load resource requests into Resource Planner, the Filters panel opens by default. If you close the Filters panel, each time you click Next or Previous to view a different resource request, the Filters panel reopens. For more information, see Loading Resource Requests into the Resource Planner.

Some filters are applied automatically when:

  • Active Resources is selected in the Is Resource Active field.
  • Resource Role is defaulted to the Role field on the resource request.

Saved and default filters cannot be applied when loading a resource request. The filters Resource Role and Active Resources are applied.

To change the start date, end date, or total hours, you must select one or more resources and preview the resource request as if it were an assignment.

If the resource request has a suggested resource, the resource is pinned to the top of the timeline.


You can pin multiple resources from within the list of available resources. Pinned resources always display in the list of resources irrespective of whether they match filtering criteria. Select and unpin a resource to remove it.

To preview unheld resource requests:

  1. Click Next and Previous to navigate through the list of loaded unheld resource requests.
  2. To zoom the timeline, click the down arrow on the zoom picklist and select Day, Week, Month or Quarter to view the timeline at the level you want. For more information, see Zoom Level.
  3. [Optional] Click View Detail to see the resource request in the Resource Request Detail page.