Viewing Record Details

The Record Details panel enables you to quickly view information about the following records without leaving the current page:

The relevant permissions are included in the permission set for the feature you are viewing. For example, for work planners they are included in the PSA - View Work Planner and PSA - Edit Work Planner permission sets.

To view the details of a record, double-click the record or select it and click Record Details.

When the Record Details panel is open, you can click through other records displayed to view their details. You can also select other tabs from the Record Details panel to view related records.

To close the panel, click Close on the panel or click Record Details again.


The panel stays open until you close it. In a work planner, it is used to display filter criteria, assignment details, project details, resource details, and resource request details. This means you can set filters easily and click through other records to quickly view information about them.


The following sections are displayed on the Assignment tab of the Record Details panel.


The following sections are displayed on the Project tab of the Record Details panel.


For information on the sections displayed on the Resource tab of the Record Details panel, see Contact Card Lightning Component Overview.

Resource Request

The following sections are displayed on the Resource Request tab of the Record Details panel.