Schedule Automation Fields

The Schedule Automation window includes the following fields. For more information, see Scheduling Automation Configurations.

*Key: C – Calendar schedule type; RP – Recognition Period schedule type.



Schedule Type  

Indicates how the process schedule will be configured:

  • Calendar - Define a process schedule to be run relative to calendar days, weeks, or months.

  • Recognition Period - Define a process schedule to be run relative to the end date of recognition periods.

Schedule Name  

Enter a name for the process schedule.


A checkbox that lets you choose whether the process schedule is available to be run for the specified automation configuration. An automation configuration can have more than one active process schedule.

Schedule Frequency C Choose when the process schedule will run and how often: 
  • Daily: Select the time you want the schedule to be run each day.

  • Weekly: Select the time you want the schedule to be run on one or more days of each week.

  • Monthly: Select a monthly method to determine the time and day you want the schedule to be run each month. For example, you can choose the fifth day of the month, the last day of the month, or the fourth Friday of the month.

Schedule Start Time C

The time of day the process schedule will be run, on the days specified by Schedule Frequency. The schedule will run according to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Period End Offset (Days) RP

The number of days relative to the period end date, that defines when the process schedule will be run. For example, enter 3 to run three days after the period end date, -3 to run three days before the period end date, or 0 to run on the period end date. You can enter a minimum value of -30, and a maximum value of 30.


Schedule Start Time RP

The time of day the process schedule will be run, on the day specified by Period End Offset (Days). The schedule will run according to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Schedule Automation Additional Fields

Depending on your selection, additional options might be available for a Calendar Based schedule type.

Field Description

Monthly Method


Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat

Only available when Weekly is selected as the frequency. Determines whether the job executes on the specific day of the week.


If you select Mon, the job executes each Monday at the specified start time.
Monthly Method

Only available when Monthly is selected as the frequency. Determines how to calculate the day of the month when the job executes. The following options are available:

  • "Last Day of Month". Note that this is the last calendar day of the month. If a month ends on a Saturday, the job executes on that day.

  • "Date"

  • "Day of the Month"

  • "Days Before Month End"

Day of the Month (number) Determines the date on which the job executes each month. Date If you enter 12, the job executes on the 12th of each month.
Day of the Month (picklist)

Combined with the value selected for the Day of the Week picklist, determines on which occurrence of the day the job executes.

Day of the Month If you select "Last" and "Friday", the job executes on the last Friday of each month, regardless of the date.
Day of the Week

Combined with the value selected for the Day of the Month picklist, determines on which occurrence of the day the job executes.

Day of the Month If you select "Last" and "Friday", the job executes on the last Friday of each month, regardless of the date.
Number of Days

Determines how many calendar days before the end of each month the job executes.


If you set this to 1, the job executes on the penultimate day of each month. If you want to execute the job on the last day of each month, use the "Last Day of Month" method.

Days Before Month End

If you enter 3, the job executes on January 28, February 25 (non-leap year), March 28, April 27, and so on.


Button Description

Close the Schedule Automation window without creating a process schedule record, and return to the automation configuration record.



Save the schedule with the selected parameters.