Revenue Forecast Versions Overview

Professional Services Cloud

A revenue forecast version is a static snapshot of revenue forecast data taken at a specific point in time and covering a given forecast period, such as the current quarter. The version forecast period used is the one that was specified on the active revenue forecast setup record at the time the version was created.

Revenue Forecasting enables you to schedule the automatic creation of these data snapshots at regular intervals and compare them, removing the need to maintain forecasting data separately on spreadsheets. Comparing the data on the snapshots allows you to quickly identify high-level changes and trends for more thorough analysis. If required, you can make management adjustments to override the data on these snapshots for a more accurate forecast.

For information on how to set up PSA to create revenue forecast versions regularly, see Scheduling Revenue Forecast Versions.


To create a revenue forecast version on demand, click Create Revenue Forecast Version on the Services Revenue Forecasting workspace. For more information, see Services Revenue Forecasting Workspace.