Gantt Overview

Professional Services Cloud

Gantt enables you to create and manage project tasks. When you have opened Gantt from a project, any existing tasks, dependencies and project task assignments (PTAs) are loaded.

You can use Gantt to:

  • Load project tasks, dependencies and project task assignments (PTAs) from existing projects.
  • Create, modify, and delete project tasks.
  • Create a task hierarchy, and add dependencies and lag durations between tasks.
  • Use work calendars and the project time zone when creating and editing tasks.
  • Assign resources to project tasks, add and view resource percentage or hour allocations for PTAs, link a resource to an assignment or resource request, and open the native assignment or resource request.
  • Add estimated hours for tasks, view actual hours entered on timecards, and estimated time to completion for tasks.
  • Link to existing pages to create assignments and resource requests for project tasks.
  • View projects over different time periods between hours and years.
  • Print your Gantt charts.

For an introduction to using Gantt, see Starting with Gantt.


You can view project tasks in Gantt format from a project record without opening Gantt. For more information, see Viewing Gantt from a Project Record.

Opening Gantt

  • The main procedure is for users of record pages supplied by Certinia from Fall 2020.
  • From Fall 2020, if you are not using the pages supplied by Certinia, your administrator can add the PSA Actions: Project Planning Tools component to the project record page.
  • We recommend that you use Gantt on Google Chrome.

To open Gantt:

  1. Open an existing project.
  2. Click Actions | Project Planning Tools | Open Gantt. Gantt opens, and your project details are displayed in a task grid and Gantt chart.

You can view project tasks in Gantt format from a project record without opening Gantt. For more information, see Viewing Gantt from a Project Record.

Notes: In some browsers, you might experience delays in response when scrolling the task grid and Gantt chart for projects with a large number of tasks.

If you are loading tasks in from another system or using the Add Tasks from Template action on a project record to add tasks from multiple templates, tasks are loaded into the task grid in their hierarchical order using the Peer Order and Hierarchy Depth fields on the project task record. If the Peer Order field is not populated on any of the project task records, records with a peer order value are loaded first and those without are then loaded by start date and time.

The first time that you open Gantt for a project that contains tasks, the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) column might not reflect your existing hierarchy. We recommend that you save the project before you make any changes.

Time Zones

If your operating system and Salesforce user time zones are not synchronized, you are prompted to update your Salesforce user time zone to your operating system time zone. A further warning is displayed and you can only view Gantt as read-only if:

  • You click No in the prompt message.
  • Your operating system is set to a time zone region that is not supported by Salesforce.
  • Your browser, such as IE11 does not support time zone region detection.
Tip: We recommend that you click Yes in the first prompt message.