Billings Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields
The Billings dataset includes fields from the Est Vs Actuals, Milestones, Expenses, Miscellaneous Adjustments, Budgets, and Timecards objects in PSA, as well as other associated objects.
Key: G — Generic fields; C — Calculated fields; D — Drillable fields; H — Hidden fields
Field Type |
Field Label |
Field API Name |
Field API Name |
Description |
Measure | Actual Bill Rate Billings Value (Project Currency) | ValueActualBillRateBillingsProjectCurrency | C | For records with the type timecard, milestone, or miscellaneous adjustment. If the subtype is "Actual", this field takes the value of the ValueBillingsProjectCurrency field. If the subtype is not "Actual", the value is zero. | |
Actual Bill Rate Billings Value | ValueActualBillRateBillings | C | For records with the type timecard, milestone, or miscellaneous adjustment. If the subtype is "Actual", this field takes the value of the ValueBillings field. If the subtype is not "Actual", the value is zero. | ||
Actual Bill Rate Total Days | ValueActualBillRateTotalDays | C | For records with the type timecard. If the subtype is "Actual", this field takes the value of the ValueTotalDays field. If the subtype is not "Actual", the value is zero. | ||
Actual Bill Rate Total Hours | ValueActualBillRateTotalHours | C | For records with the type timecard. If the subtype is "Actual", this field takes the value of the ValueTotalHours field. If the subtype is not "Actual", the value is zero. | ||
Billings Value (Project Currency) | ValueBillingsProjectCurrency | The billing amount, converted to the project currency using the static rate from Manage Currencies in the PSA org setup. For more information, see ValueBillings in Billings Flow Intermediate Processing. | |||
Billings Value | ValueBillings |
The billing amount, converted to the corporate currency using the Project Exchange Rate field. For more information, see ValueBillings in Billings Flow Intermediate Processing. |
Project Account Annual Revenue | ValueProjectAccountAnnualRevenue | Estimated annual revenue of the account associated with the project. | |||
Project Account Number Of Employees | ValueProjectAccountNumberOfEmployees | Number of employees working at the company represented by the account associated with the project. | |||
Project Billed Amount | ValueProjectBilled | Sum of billed amounts. Expenses, timecard splits and miscellaneous adjustments that are billable contribute to billed revenue after they are billed/invoiced. Milestones contribute to billed and invoiced revenue after they are billed/invoiced. | |||
Project Exchange Rate | ValueProjectExchangeRate | The transaction exchange rate of the currency for the project to that the billing belongs to. | |||
Project Expense Budget | ValueProjectExpenseBudget | Sum of expense budgets for the project. The Expense Amount field of a budget contributes to this field if the budget is of type: Customer PO, Customer PO Change Order, Internal Budget or Internal Budget Change Request. | |||
Project Expense Costs | ValueProjectExpenseCosts | Sum of approved expenses in expense reports, whether billable or not. | |||
Project External Costs | ValueProjectExternalCosts | Sum of external costs, whether billable or not. | |||
Project Internal Budget | ValueProjectInternalBudget | Sum of internal budgets for the project. The Amount field of a budget contributes to this field if the budget is of type: Internal Budget or Internal Budget Change Request. | |||
Project Internal Costs | ValueProjectInternalCosts | Sum of internal costs, whether billable or not. Internal costs are only for resources that are not marked as External. They are calculated using this formula: Approved timecard hours * Cost rate | |||
Project Internal Time Cost | ValueProjectInternalTimeCost | Sum of the aggregated cost calculation for internal resources in scheduled project backlog. | |||
Project Invoiced Amount | ValueProjectInvoiced | Sum of invoiced amounts. Expenses, timecard splits, and miscellaneous adjustments that are billable contribute to invoiced revenue after they are billed/invoiced. Milestones contribute to invoiced revenue after they are billed/invoiced. | |||
Project Margin Amount | ValueProjectMargin | The billing amount minus total costs. | |||
Project Other Costs | ValueProjectOtherCosts | Any other project costs, such as material or capital costs incurred on the project. | |||
Project Pass-Through Billings | ValueProjectPassThroughBillings | Sum of pass-through billings, including expenses. | |||
Project Percent Hours Complete | ValueProjectPercentHoursComplete |
The percentage of hours already completed on the project. Calculated as follows: (Total Submitted Hours / Estimated Hours at Completion) * by 100. |
Project Revenue | ValueProjectRevenue | Revenue is not calculated or rolled up. A miscellaneous adjustment is used to show revenue on the project actuals. | |||
Project Scheduled Hours Remaining | ValueProjectScheduledHoursRemaining | The number of hours not yet spent on a project. Calculated using assignments whose end date comes after the Hours Cut Off Date and takes into account scheduled hours and schedule exceptions. | |||
Project Tasks Total Percent Complete (Percent) | ValueProjectTasksTotalPercentCompletePoints | Percentage of project tasks that are complete, based on task points. | |||
Project Tasks Total Points Complete | ValueProjectTasksTotalPointsComplete | Total points for all completed project tasks. | |||
Project Tasks Total Points | ValueProjectTasksTotalPoints | Total points for all project tasks. | |||
Project Total Assigned Hours | ValueProjectTotalAssignedHours | Total number of hours from project assignments. | |||
Project Total Costs | ValueProjectTotalCosts | Total costs from all projects in the project hierarchy. | |||
Project Total Number of Tasks | ValueProjectTotalNumberOfTasks | Total number of project tasks. | |||
Project Total Submitted Hours | ValueProjectTotalSubmittedHours | The number of hours spent on a project. Calculated using the total hours on submitted or approved timecards, when the assignment lookup is not blank and the end date is before or the same as the date in the Hours Cut Off Date field. | |||
Project Unscheduled Backlog | ValueProjectUnscheduledBacklog | Value of the unscheduled backlog. This field only applies to perpetual time periods, usually all time periods. This is the remainder of project budget bookings that have not yet been allocated to actuals or to milestones or assignments. This is the budget minus actuals billings and scheduled milestone and time backlog. These might be in different time periods, so only the unscheduled backlog for the All Time Periods calculation for is usable. | |||
Scheduled Bill Rate Billings Value (Project Currency) | ValueScheduledBillRateBillingsProjectCurrency | C | For records with the type est vs. actuals or milestone. If the subtype is "Scheduled", this field takes the value of the ValueBillingsProjectCurrency field. If the subtype is not "Scheduled", the value is zero. | ||
Scheduled Bill Rate Billings Value | ValueScheduledBillRateBillings | C | For records with the type est vs. actuals or milestone. If the subtype is "Scheduled", this field takes the value of the ValueBillings field. If the subtype is not "Scheduled", the value is zero. | ||
Scheduled Bill Rate Total Days | ValueScheduledBillRateTotalDays | C | For records with the type est vs. actuals. If the subtype is "Scheduled", this field takes the value of the ValueTotalDays field. If the subtype is not "Scheduled", the value is zero. | ||
Scheduled Bill Rate Total Hours | ValueScheduledBillRateTotalHours | C | For records with the type est vs. actuals. If the subtype is "Scheduled", this field takes the value of the ValueTotalHours field. If the subtype is not "Scheduled", the value is zero. | ||
Total Billable Days | ValueTotalBillableDays |
The calculated total billable days for a record. |
Total Billable Hours | ValueTotalBillableHours | The calculated total billable hours for a record. | |||
Total Days | ValueTotalDays | The value for Total Days Worked in PSA. | |||
Total Hours | ValueTotalHours | The value for Total Hours in PSA. | |||
Date | Billing Date | BillingDate |
Billing date, which varies depending on the record type, as follows:
End Date | EndDate |
End date, which varies depending on the record type, as follows:
Project End Date | ProjectEndDate | The end date of the associated project. | |||
Project Start Date | ProjectStartDate | The start date of the associated project. | |||
Project Time Period End Date | ProjectTimePeriodEndDate | The end date for the time period of the associated project. | |||
Project Time Period Start Date | ProjectTimePeriodEndDate | The start date for the time period of the associated project. | |||
Resource Last Date | ResourceLastDate | The last date of the associated resource. | |||
Resource Start Date | ResourceStartDate | The start date of the associated resource. | |||
Time Period End Date | TimePeriodEndDate | The end date of the associated time period. | |||
Time Period Start Date | TimePeriodStartDate | The start date of the associated time period. | |||
Dimension | Currency ISO Code | CurrencyIsoCode | The integration user's default currency ISO code. This field identifies the currency ISO code that is displayed in the PS Cloud Analytics dashboards. See the Salesforce Help for more information about user currencies. | ||
Description | Description | The description of the Expense, Misc. Adjustment or Milestone object from which it is derived. | |||
HasFirstLevelProject | HasFirstLevelProject | H | |||
Is Resource Active | IsResourceActive | Indicates whether this is an active resource that can be assigned to projects. See Resource fields in the PSA Help. | |||
Is Resource | IsResource | Indicates whether this contact is a PSA resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help. | |||
KPI Subcategory | Subcategory | H | |||
Master Project ID | ProjectMasterProjectId | G | System-generated identifier of the highest project in the hierarchy. | ||
Master Project Name | ProjectMasterProjectName | G | The name of the highest project in the hierarchy. | ||
Name | Name | The name of the Timecard, Expense, Misc. Adjustment, Milestone or Estimates Vs. Actuals object from which it is derived. | |||
Parent Project ID | ProjectParentProjectId | G | System-generated identifier of the project in the next level up in the project hierarchy. | ||
Parent Project Name | ProjectParentProjectName | D, G | The name of the project in the next level up in the project hierarchy. | ||
Project Account Billing Country | ProjectAccountBillingCountry | G | The billing country of the account associated with the project. | ||
Project Account ID | ProjectAccountId | System-generated identifier of the account related to the project. | |||
Project Account Industry | ProjectAccountIndustry | G | The industry specified for the account associated with the opportunity associated with the project. | ||
Project Account Name | ProjectAccountName | G, D | The name of the account associated with the project. | ||
Project Account Type | ProjectAccountType | G | The type of account associated with the project. | ||
Project Allow Expenses Without Assignment | ProjectAllowExpensesWithoutAssignment | G | Enables the entry of timecards and expenses without the resource requiring an assignment. | ||
Project Allow Self-Staffing | ProjectAllowSelfStaffing | G | Indicates whether resources have permission to create their own assignments for the project. This overrides the staffing permission controls for the project or resource. | ||
Project Allow Timecards Without Assignment | ProjectAllowTimecardsWithoutAssignment | G | Enables the entry of timecards and expenses without the resource requiring an assignment. | ||
ProjectBurnupKPIType | ProjectBurnupKPIType | H | |||
Project Closed For Expense Entry | ProjectClosedForExpenseEntry | G | Indicates whether this project is closed for expense entry. | ||
Project Closed For Time Entry | ProjectClosedForTimeEntry | G | Indicates whether this project is closed for timecard entry. | ||
Project Company ID | ProjectCompanyId | G | System-generated identifier of the company associated with the project. | ||
Project Company Name | ProjectCompanyName | G | The name of the company associated with the project. | ||
Project Currency ISO Code | ProjectCurrencyIsoCode |
When working with multiple currencies, allows you to choose a currency to report the project figures when different from the default currency for your Salesforce org. |
Project Display ID | ProjectDisplayId | G | System-generated unique "PR-{000000}" field displayed on a Project record. | ||
Project Financial Status | ProjectFinancialStatus | G | Indicates the current financial status of a project. | ||
Project Group ID Chain | ProjectGroupIdChain | System-generated list of identifiers of all of the groups associated with the project. The groups' identifiers are listed in descending hierarchical order. | |||
Project Group ID | ProjectGroupId | G | The identifier of a group related to the project. | ||
Project Group Level XX | ProjectGroupNameXX | The name of a group associated with the project. XX represents a number between 00 and 12, and determines the group's level in the hierarchy of groups associated with the project. 00 is the highest level of group. | |||
Project Group Name | ProjectGroupNameChain | The concatenation between the RPG levels of the group related to the project. | |||
Project ID | ProjectId | System-generated identifier of the project related to the Est Vs Actuals. | |||
Project Is Template | ProjectIsTemplate | G | Identifies if the project is a template. | ||
Project Location | ProjectLocation | G | The location of the project. | ||
Project Manager ID | ProjectManagerId | G | System-generated identifier of the manager record assigned to the project. | ||
Project Manager Name | ProjectManagerName | D, G | The name of the manager assigned to the project. | ||
Project Name | ProjectName | D, G | The name of the project. | ||
Project Phase | ProjectPhase | G | The current phase of the project. | ||
Project Practice ID Chain | ProjectPracticeIdChain | System-generated list of identifiers of all of the practices associated with the project. The practices' identifiers are listed in descending hierarchical order. | |||
Project Practice ID | ProjectPracticeId | G | System-generated identifier of a practice related to the project. | ||
Project Practice Level XX | ProjectPracticeNameXX | The name of a practice associated with the project. XX represents a number between 00 and 12, and determines the practice's level in the hierarchy of practices associated with the project. 00 is the highest level of group. | |||
Project Practice Name | ProjectPracticeNameChain | The concatenation between the RPG levels of the practice related to the project. | |||
Project Pre-Bill Type | ProjectPreBillType | G | The type of pre-billing selected for the project. This indicates whether the customer has been pre-billed for a part of the budget or all of it. | ||
Project Recognition Method | ProjectRecognitionMethod | G | Recognition method to apply to this record for Revenue Forecasting. | ||
Project Region ID Chain | ProjectRegionIdChain | System-generated list of identifiers of all of the regions associated with the project. The regions' identifiers are listed in descending hierarchical order. | |||
Project Region ID | ProjectRegionId | G | System-generated identifier of a region related to the project. | ||
Project Region Level XX | ProjectRegionNameXX | The name of a region associated with the project. XX represents a number between 00 and 12, and determines the region's level in the hierarchy of regions associated with the project. 00 is the highest level of region. | |||
Project Region Name | ProjectRegionNameChain | The concatenation between the RPG levels of the region related to the project. | |||
Project Schedule Status | ProjectScheduleStatus | G | Indicates whether the project is on schedule. | ||
Project Scope Status | ProjectScopeStatus | G | Indicates the current scope status of the project. | ||
Project Status | ProjectStatus | G | The status of the project. | ||
Project Time Credited | ProjectTimeCredited | G | Indicates whether non-billable time are to be credited for utilization. | ||
Project Time Excluded | ProjectTimeExcluded | G | Indicates whether non-billable time counts for or against utilization. | ||
Project Time Period Name | ProjectTimePeriodName | G | The name of the time period associated with the project. | ||
Project Time Period Type | ProjectTimePeriodType | G | The type of the time period associated with the project. | ||
Project Type | ProjectType | G | The type of project. | ||
ProjectGroupNameChainAsc | ProjectGroupNameChainAsc | G | System-generated chain for linking to the group related to the project, formatted in ascending hierarchical order. | ||
ProjectPracticeNameChainAsc | ProjectPracticeNameChainAsc | G | System-generated chain for linking to the practice related to the project, formatted in ascending hierarchical order. | ||
ProjectRegionNameChainAsc | ProjectRegionNameChainAsc | G | System-generated chain for linking to the region related to the project, formatted in ascending hierarchical order. | ||
Record ID | RecordId | G | System-generated identifier of the record. | ||
Resource Department | ResourceDepartment | The department the resource belongs to. | |||
Resource External | ResourceExternal | System-generated chain for linking to the group. | |||
Resource Group ID Chain | ResourceGroupIdChain | System-generated list of identifiers of all of the groups associated with the resource. The groups' identifiers are listed in descending hierarchical order. | |||
Resource Group ID | ResourceGroupId | System-generated identifier of a group related to the resource. | |||
Resource Group Level XX | ResourceGroupName01 | The name of a group associated with the resource. XX represents a number between 00 and 12, and determines the group's level in the hierarchy of groups associated with the resource. 00 is the highest level of group. | |||
Resource Group Name | ResourceGroupNameChain | System-generated list of names of all of the groups associated with the resource. The groups' identifiers are listed in descending hierarchical order. | |||
Resource ID | ResourceId | System-generated identifier of the resource related to the Est Vs Actuals. | |||
Resource Mailing City | ResourceMailingCity | The mailing city associated with the resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help. | |||
Resource Mailing Country | ResourceMailingCountry | The mailing city country associated with the resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help. | |||
Resource Mailing State | ResourceMailingState | D, G | The mailing city state or province associated with the resource. See Resource fields in the PSA Help. | ||
Resource Name | ResourceName | The name of the resource. | |||
Resource Practice ID Chain | ResourcePracticeIdChain | System-generated list of identifiers of all of the practices associated with the resource. The practices' identifiers are listed in descending hierarchical order. | |||
Resource Practice ID | ResourcePracticeId | System-generated identifier of a practice related to the resource. | |||
Resource Practice Level XX | ResourcePracticeNameXX | The name of a practice associated with the resource. XX represents a number between 00 and 12, and determines the practice's level in the hierarchy of practices associated with the resource. 00 is the highest level of group. | |||
Resource Practice Name | ResourcePracticeNameChain | The concatenation between the RPG levels of the practice related to the contact. | |||
Resource Region ID Chain | ResourceRegionIdChain | System-generated list of identifiers of all of the regions associated with the resource. The regions' identifiers are listed in descending hierarchical order. | |||
Resource Region ID | ResourceRegionId | System-generated identifier of a region related to the contact. | |||
Resource Region Level XX | ResourceRegionNameXX | The name of a region associated with the resource. XX represents a number between 00 and 12, and determines the region's level in the hierarchy of regions associated with the resource. 00 is the highest level of region. | |||
Resource Region Name | ResourceRegionNameChain | The concatenation between the RPG levels of the region related to the contact. | |||
Resource Role | ResourceRole | The role assigned to the resource. | |||
Resource Work Calendar | ResourceWorkCalendar | The identifier of the resource's work calendar. | |||
Salesforce Resource User ID | ResourceSalesforceUserId | System-generated identifier of the Salesforce User contact. | |||
Salesforce Resource User Photo URL | ResourceSalesforceUserPhotoUrl | The URL of the Salesforce User contact photo. | |||
Salesforce Resource Username | ResourceSalesforceUserName | The name of the Salesforce User contact. | |||
Subtype | Subtype |
Depending on the base object this field can be:
Time Period Name | TimePeriodName | The name of the time period. | |||
Time Period Type | TimePeriodType | This is the time period for the Utilization Detail object. By default the values of this field are: Week, Month, Quarter, and Year. | |||
Type | Type | This is the type of billing. It varies in function of the record type, Time for Est Vs Actuals records and Timecard records, and Milestone for Milestones records. | |||
Hidden | pse__Project__c.pse__Proj_Share.UserOrGroupId | H | Hidden field. Related to the security predicate implementation. | ||
pse__Project__c.StandardUserType | H | Hidden field. Related to the security predicate implementation. |