Project Margin Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields

The Project Margin dataset stores fields associated with the project margin calculations in PSA, this dataset is used by the Project Margin dashboard and its related workspace in Lightning.

Key: G — Generic fields; C — Calculated fields; D — Drillable fields; H — Hidden fields

Project Margin Dataset Fields
Field Type Field Label Field API Name   Description
Measures Billings Value ValueBillings   Converted value of the billings of a project's actuals.
Expense Costs ValueExpenseCosts   Converted value of the expense costs of a project's actuals.
External Costs ValueExternalCosts   Converted value of the external costs of a project's actuals.
Internal Costs ValueInternalCosts   Converted value of the internal costs of a project's actuals.
Other Costs ValueOtherCosts   Converted value of the other costs of a project's actuals.
Pass Through Billings Value ValuePassThroughBillings   Converted value of the pass through billings of a project.
Total Billings Value ValueTotalBillings C Sum total of a project's billings and pass through billings.
Total Costs ValueTotalCosts C Sum total of a project's internal, external, other, and expense costs.
Dates Time Period End Date TimePeriodEndDate   End date of the time period associated with the calculation.
Time Period Start Date TimePeriodStartDate   Start date of the time period associated with the calculation.
  Dimensions Project Company ID ProjectCompanyId   System-generated identifier of the Foundations company associated with the calculation.
Project Company Name ProjectCompanyName   Name of the Foundations company associated with the calculation.
Project Currency ISO Code ProjectCurrencyIsoCode   When working with multiple currencies, allows you to choose a currency to report the project figures in when different from the default currency for your Salesforce org.
Project Display ID ProjectDisplayId   System-generated unique "PR-{000000}" field displayed on a project record.
Project ID ProjectId   System-generated identifier of the project record.
Project Manager ID ProjectManagerId   System-generated identifier of the project manager record.
Project Manager Name ProjectManagerName   Name of the project manager.
Project Name ProjectName   Name of the project.
Time Period Type TimePeriodType  

Calendar unit of the time period for the project record, such as:

  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Week
  • Year