Capacity Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Output Fields
The Capacity dataset includes fields from the Utilization Detail object in PSA as well as other associated objects.
Key: G — Generic fields; C — Calculated fields; D — Drillable fields; H — Hidden fields
Field Type | Field Label | Field API Name | Description | |
Measures | Historical Scheduled Non Billable Hours | ValueHistoricalScheduledNonBillableHours | Non-billable hours from assignments that are not credited or excluded, which occur before the Historical Utilization Cut-Off Date. | |
Historical Utilization Target Hours | ValueHistoricalUtilizationTargetHours | Target hours worked during the time period, not including hours in the future. | ||
Scheduled Utilization Target Hours | ValueScheduledUtilizationTargetHours | Target hours to be worked during the scheduled time period, not including hours in the past. | ||
Total Capacity Hours | ValueTotalCapacityHours |
If the Total Capacity type equals Remaining or Scheduled, this field can be one of the following fields derived from the Utilization Detail or Utilization Summary objects:
This field can also be calculated as: Total Capacity Hours = Scheduled Calendar Hours - (Scheduled Billable Hours + Scheduled Credited Hours + Scheduled Excluded Hours + Scheduled Held Hours + Scheduled Non-Billable Hours) Otherwise, the value is 0. |
Total Requested Hours | ValueTotalRequestedHours | Value of the unheld hours in the Utilization Summary object if the capacity type is Requested. Otherwise, the value is 0. | ||
Total Weighted Capacity Hours | ValueTotalWeightedCapacityHours |
Same as Total Capacity Hours, except it uses weighted fields from utilization records where applicable, and recalculates remaining accordingly. If the capacity subtype is Scheduled Held, values derived from the Held Hours Opp Pct Weighted field in the Utilization Summary object are used. If the value of this field is null, the value of the unweighted Scheduled Held field is used. When this measure is calculated, the value of all other non-weighted fields are added from the Total Capacity Hours measure: Scheduled Non-Billable, Scheduled Credited, Scheduled Billable. The value of the subtype Remaining in the Total Capacity Hours measure is then recalculated to reflect the value of the weighted Scheduled Held field. |
Total Weighted Requested Hours | ValueTotalWeightedRequestedHours | Value of the Unheld Hours Opp Pct field in the Utilization Summary object if the capacity type is Requested. Otherwise, the value is 0. | ||
Dates | Historical Utilization Start Date | HistoricalStartDate | Start date for including historical utilization in the calculation. | |
Resource Last Date | ResourceLastDate | Resource's last day of employment. | ||
Resource Start Date | ResourceStartDate | Resource's first day of employment. | ||
Scheduled Utilization Start Date | ScheduledStartDate | Start date for including scheduled utilization in the calculation. | ||
Time Period End Date | TimePeriodEndDate | End date of the associated time period. | ||
Time Period Start Date | TimePeriodStartDate | Start date of the associated time period. | ||
Utilization End Date | UtilizationEndDate | Value of the Scheduled End Date field in the Utilization Detail object. | ||
Dimensions | Capacity Subtype | CapacitySubtype |
Subtype of capacity, which varies depending on the capacity type. Subtypes for scheduled hours:
Subtype for remaining capacity is Remaining Capacity Subtypes for requested hours:
Capacity Type | CapacityType |
Type of capacity, such as:
Group ID Chain | GroupIdChain | System-generated list of identifiers of all of the groups associated with the contact. The groups' identifiers are listed in descending hierarchical order. | ||
Group ID | GroupId | System-generated identifier of a group associated with the contact. | ||
Group Level XX | GroupNameXX | The name of a group associated with the contact. XX represents a number between 00 and 12, and determines the group's level in the hierarchy of groups associated with the contact. 00 is the highest level of group. | ||
Group Name | GroupNameChain | Concatenation between the RPG levels of the group associated with the contact. | ||
Has Resource | HasResource | Indicates whether the utilization calculation record is associated with a resource. | ||
Is Report Master | IsReportMaster | Indicates whether the utilization calculation is the master calculation for the combination of RPG, resource and time period. | ||
Is Resource Active | IsResourceActive | Indicates whether the resource is active. | ||
Is Resource | IsResource | Indicates whether the contact is a PSA resource. | ||
Practice ID Chain | PracticeIdChain | System-generated list of identifiers of all of the practice associated with the contact. The groups' identifiers are listed in descending hierarchical order. | ||
Practice ID | PracticeId | System-generated identifier of a practice associated with the contact. | ||
Practice Level XX | PracticeNameXX | The name of a practice associated with the contact. XX represents a number between 00 and 12, and determines the practice's level in the hierarchy of practices associated with the contact. 00 is the highest level of practice. | ||
Practice Name | PracticeNameChain | Concatenation between the RPG levels of the practice associated with the contact. | ||
Region ID Chain | RegionIdChain | System-generated list of identifiers of all of the regions associated with the contact. The groups' identifiers are listed in descending hierarchical order. | ||
Region ID | RegionId | System-generated identifier of a region associated with the contact. | ||
Region Level XX | RegionNameXX | The name of a region associated with the contact. XX represents a number between 00 and 12, and determines the region's level in the hierarchy of regions associated with the contact. 00 is the highest level of contact. | ||
Region Name | RegionNameChain | Concatenation between the RPG levels of the region associated with the contact. | ||
Region/Practice/Group Type | RPGType |
RPG type of the records associated with the calculation, such as:
Resource Department | ResourceDepartment | Department the resource belongs to. | ||
Resource External | ResourceExternal | Indicates whether the resource is external. | ||
ResourceId | ResourceId | Identifier of the resource. | ||
Resource Mailing City | ResourceMailingCity | Mailing city portion of the address specified for the resource. | ||
Resource Mailing Country | ResourceMailingCountry | Mailing country portion of the address specified for the resource. | ||
Resource Mailing State | ResourceMailingState | Mailing state portion of the address specified for the resource. | ||
Resource Name | ResourceName | Name of the resource. | ||
Resource Role | ResourceRole | Role assigned to the resource. | ||
Resource Skills | Resource.Skill.Name | Multi-value field used to store skills, certifications, and their categories data associated with the resource. | ||
Resource Work Calendar | ResourceWorkCalendar | Identifier of the resource's work calendar. | ||
Time Period Type | TimePeriodType |
Time period for the Utilization Detail object, such as:
Salesforce Resource User ID | ResourceSalesforceUserId | System-generated identifier of the Salesforce user contact. | ||
Salesforce Resource User Photo URL | ResourceSalesforceUserPhotoUrl | URL of the Salesforce user contact photo. | ||
Salesforce Resource Username | ResourceSalesforceUserName | Name of the Salesforce user contact. | ||
Time Period Name | TimePeriodName | Name of the time period. | ||
Time Period Type | TimePeriodType |
Calendar unit of the time period, such as:
Utilization Calculation ID | UtilizationCalculationId | System-generated identifier of the utilization calculation. | ||
Utilization Calculation Name | UtilizationCalculationName | Name of the utilization calculation. | ||
Utilization Record Type | UtilizationRecordType | Indicates whether utilization summary or utilization detail records are used. |