pse.MultiCurrencyServiceglobal with sharing class MultiCurrencyService this service provides the functionality to handle exchanges between multiple currencies in psa. Methods
useDatedExchangeRatesglobal static Boolean useDatedExchangeRates() Indicates if dated exchange rates are used for multi-currency conversions when PSA is configured to use currencies specified in the Currencies tab. Return ValueA Boolean indicating whether or not dated exchange rates are being used. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /* * See if we are using dated exchanged rates in PSA */ System.debug( String.format( 'Are we using dated exchange rates? {0}', new List<String>{ (pse.MultiCurrencyService.useDatedExchangeRates()) ? 'Yes' : 'No' } ) ); useSalesforceAdvancedMultiCurrencyglobal static Boolean useSalesforceAdvancedMultiCurrency() When set to true, PSA uses the Salesforce advanced multi-currency feature. When set to false, PSA uses the currencies defined in the Currencies tab. Return ValueA Boolean indicating if PSA uses Salesforce Advanced Multi-Currency. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /** * Display pertinent debugging messages based on number of PSA Currencies and * whether Salesforce Advanced Multi-Curency is configured */ List<appirio_core__Currency__c> psaCurrencies = [SELECT Name FROM appirio_core__Currency__c]; System.debug(String.format('You have ' + psaCurrencies.size() + ' PSA Currencies in your org.'); if(MultiCurrencyService.useSalesforceAdvancedMultiCurrency()){ if(psaCurrencies.size() > 0){ System.debug('However, you are using Salesforce Advanced Multi-Currency, so you don\'t really need them...'); }else{ System.debug('Don\'t worry, though... You\'re using Salesforce Advanced Multi-Currency!'); } }else{ if(psaCurrencies.size() > 0){ System.debug('Use them wisely!'); }else{ System.debug('You might want to create some... You\'re not using Salesforce Advanced Multi-Currency!'); } } getConvertedAmountglobal static Double getConvertedAmount(Double fromAmount, String fromCurrency, String toCurrency, Date d) Convert amount A of currency X to currency Y as of date D. Input Parameters
Return ValueA Double representing the resulting amount of the currency conversion. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /** * Convert an amount from one currency to another * Foundational building block of multi-currency */ Decimal fromAmount = 100.00, toAmount; String fromCurrency = 'USD', toCurrency = 'GBP'; Date conversionDate = Date.valueOf('2015-01-01'); toAmount = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConvertedAmount( fromAmount, fromCurrency, toCurrency, conversionDate ); System.debug( String.format( '{0} in {1} on {2} is equal to {3} in {4}.', new List<String>{ fromAmount, fromCurrency, conversionDate, toAmount, toCurrency } ) ); getConversionRatesByDateglobal static Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> getConversionRatesByDate(List<String> currencyCodeList, List<Date> dateList) Use a list of currency codes and a list of dates to get a map of dated currency codes to conversion rates. Input Parameters
Return ValueA Map of conversion Date to a Map of String currency codes to Decimal conversion rate. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /** * Demonstrate that all four signatures of getConversionRatesByDate * return the same map of date to map of currency code to conversion rate */ Set<Date> setOfDates = new Set<Date>{ Date.valueOf('2005-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2010-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2015-01-01') }; List<Date> listOfDates = new List<Date>{ Date.valueOf('2005-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2010-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2015-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2010-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2005-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2015-01-01') }; Set<String> setOfCurrencies = new Set<String>{'USD','GBP','CAD'}; List<String> listOfCurrencies = new List<String>{'USD','GBP','USD','CAD','GBP','CAD'}; Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapListAndList = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(listOfCurrencies, listOfDates); Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapSetAndList = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(setOfCurrencies, listOfDates); Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapListAndSet = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(listOfCurrencies, setOfDates); Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapSetAndSet = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(setOfCurrencies, setOfDates); List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>> listOfMaps = new List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>>(); listOfMaps.add(mapListAndList); listOfMaps.add(mapSetAndList); listOfMaps.add(mapListAndSet); listOfMaps.add(mapSetAndSet); for(List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>> sourceMap : listOfMaps){ for(List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>> compareMap : listOfMaps){ System.assertEquals(compareMap, sourceMap, 'Maps should be equal.'); } } getConversionRatesByDateglobal static Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> getConversionRatesByDate(Set<String> currencyCodeSet, List<Date> dateList) Use a set of currency codes and a list of dates to get a map of dated currency codes to conversion rates. Input Parameters
Return ValueA Map of conversion Date to a Map of String currency code to Decimal conversion rates. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /** * Demonstrate that all four signatures of getConversionRatesByDate * return the same map of date to map of currency code to conversion rate */ Set<Date> setOfDates = new Set<Date>{ Date.valueOf('2005-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2010-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2015-01-01') }; List<Date> listOfDates = new List<Date>{ Date.valueOf('2005-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2010-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2015-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2010-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2005-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2015-01-01') }; Set<String> setOfCurrencies = new Set<String>{'USD','GBP','CAD'}; List<String> listOfCurrencies = new List<String>{'USD','GBP','USD','CAD','GBP','CAD'}; Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapListAndList = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(listOfCurrencies, listOfDates); Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapSetAndList = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(setOfCurrencies, listOfDates); Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapListAndSet = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(listOfCurrencies, setOfDates); Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapSetAndSet = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(setOfCurrencies, setOfDates); List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>> listOfMaps = new List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>>(); listOfMaps.add(mapListAndList); listOfMaps.add(mapSetAndList); listOfMaps.add(mapListAndSet); listOfMaps.add(mapSetAndSet); for(List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>> sourceMap : listOfMaps){ for(List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>> compareMap : listOfMaps){ System.assertEquals(compareMap, sourceMap, 'Maps should be equal.'); } } getConversionRatesByDateglobal static Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> getConversionRatesByDate(List<String> currencyCodeList, Set<Date> dateSet) Use a list of currency codes and a set of dates to get a map of dated currency codes to conversion rates. Input Parameters
Return ValueA Map of conversion Date to a Map of String currency code to Decimal conversion rate. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /** * Demonstrate that all four signatures of getConversionRatesByDate * return the same map of date to map of currency code to conversion rate */ Set<Date> setOfDates = new Set<Date>{ Date.valueOf('2005-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2010-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2015-01-01') }; List<Date> listOfDates = new List<Date>{ Date.valueOf('2005-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2010-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2015-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2010-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2005-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2015-01-01') }; Set<String> setOfCurrencies = new Set<String>{'USD','GBP','CAD'}; List<String> listOfCurrencies = new List<String>{'USD','GBP','USD','CAD','GBP','CAD'}; Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapListAndList = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(listOfCurrencies, listOfDates); Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapSetAndList = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(setOfCurrencies, listOfDates); Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapListAndSet = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(listOfCurrencies, setOfDates); Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapSetAndSet = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(setOfCurrencies, setOfDates); List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>> listOfMaps = new List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>>(); listOfMaps.add(mapListAndList); listOfMaps.add(mapSetAndList); listOfMaps.add(mapListAndSet); listOfMaps.add(mapSetAndSet); for(List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>> sourceMap : listOfMaps){ for(List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>> compareMap : listOfMaps){ System.assertEquals(compareMap, sourceMap, 'Maps should be equal.'); } } getConversionRatesByDateglobal static Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> getConversionRatesByDate(Set<String> currencyCodeSet, Set<Date> dateSet) Uses a set of currency codes and a set of dates to get a map of dated currency codes to conversion rates. Input Parameters
Return ValueA Map of conversion Date to a Map of String currency code to Decimal conversion rate. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /** * Demonstrate that all four signatures of getConversionRatesByDate * return the same map of date to map of currency code to conversion rate */ Set<Date> setOfDates = new Set<Date>{ Date.valueOf('2005-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2010-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2015-01-01') }; List<Date> listOfDates = new List<Date>{ Date.valueOf('2005-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2010-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2015-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2010-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2005-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2015-01-01') }; Set<String> setOfCurrencies = new Set<String>{'USD','GBP','CAD'}; List<String> listOfCurrencies = new List<String>{'USD','GBP','USD','CAD','GBP','CAD'}; Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapListAndList = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(listOfCurrencies, listOfDates); Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapSetAndList = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(setOfCurrencies, listOfDates); Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapListAndSet = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(listOfCurrencies, setOfDates); Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapSetAndSet = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRatesByDate(setOfCurrencies, setOfDates); List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>> listOfMaps = new List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>>(); listOfMaps.add(mapListAndList); listOfMaps.add(mapSetAndList); listOfMaps.add(mapListAndSet); listOfMaps.add(mapSetAndSet); for(List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>> sourceMap : listOfMaps){ for(List<Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>>> compareMap : listOfMaps){ System.assertEquals(compareMap, sourceMap, 'Maps should be equal.'); } } getConversionRateRatioByDateglobal static Decimal getConversionRateRatioByDate(String fromCurrencyCode, String toCurrencyCode, Date initialConversionDate, Date targetConversionDate) Get a decimal conversion rate ratio to convert one converted amount of currency A on conversion date X to currency B on conversion date Y. Input Parameters
Return ValueA Decimal conversion rate ratio that can be used to modify a Decimal converted currency amount on on initial Date to another Date. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /** * Get ratios to bring a couple previously converted amounts up to a newer date conversion amount */ Date Dec31_2014 = Date.valueOf('2014-12-31'); Date Jan1_2015 = Date.valueOf('2015-01-01'); Date Jan1_2016 = Date.valueOf('2016-01-01'); Map<Date, Map<String, Decimal>> mapDatesToMapCurrenciesToRates = appirio_core.MultiCurrencyUtil.getConversionRatesByDate( new Set<String>{ 'USD', 'CAD' }, new Set<Date>{ Dec31_2014, Jan1_2015, Jan1_2016 } ); Map<Date, Decimal> X100USDonThisDateConvertedToCAD = new Map<Date, Decimal>{ Dec31_2014=>(100*mapDatesToMapCurrenciesToRates.get(Dec31_2014).get('CAD')), Jan1_2015=>(100*mapDatesToMapCurrenciesToRates.get(Jan1_2015).get('CAD')), Jan1_2016=>(100*mapDatesToMapCurrenciesToRates.get(Jan1_2016).get('CAD')) }; for(Date key : mapDatesToMapCurrenciesToRates.keySet()) { System.debug('100 USD on ' + String.valueOf(key) + ' was ' + X100USDonThisDateConvertedToCAD.get(key)); } Decimal usd100toCADdec31_2014tojan1_2016ratio = appirio_core.MultiCurrencyUtil.getConversionRateRatioByDate( 'USD', 'CAD', Dec31_2014, Jan1_2016 ); System.assertEquals( X100USDonThisDateConvertedToCAD.get(Jan1_2016).setScale(2), (X100USDonThisDateConvertedToCAD.get(Dec31_2014) * usd100toCADdec31_2014tojan1_2016ratio).setScale(2) ); Decimal crrCADvarDec31_2014effectiveUSDfixedJan1_2015current = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRateRatioByDate( 'CAD', // currencyCodeVariable 'USD', // currencyCodeFixed Dec31_2014, // effectiveDate Jan1_2015 // currentDate ); Decimal crrCADvarDec31_2014effectiveUSDfixedJan1_2016current = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRateRatioByDate( 'CAD', // currencyCodeVariable 'USD', // currencyCodeFixed Dec31_2014, // effectiveDate Jan1_2016 // currentDate ); Decimal crrCADvarJan1_2015effectiveUSDfixedJan1_2016current = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRateRatioByDate( 'CAD', // currencyCodeVariable 'USD', // currencyCodeFixed Jan1_2015, // effectiveDate Jan1_2016 // currentDate ); Decimal crrUSDvarDec31_2014effectiveCADfixedJan1_2015current = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRateRatioByDate( 'USD', // currencyCodeVariable 'CAD', // currencyCodeFixed Dec31_2014, // effectiveDate Jan1_2015 // currentDate ); Decimal crrUSDvarDec31_2014effectiveCADfixedJan1_2016current = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRateRatioByDate( 'USD', // currencyCodeVariable 'CAD', // currencyCodeFixed Dec31_2014, // effectiveDate Jan1_2016 // currentDate ); Decimal crrUSDvarJan1_2015effectiveCADfixedJan1_2016current = pse.MultiCurrencyService.getConversionRateRatioByDate( 'USD', // currencyCodeVariable 'CAD', // currencyCodeFixed Jan1_2015, // effectiveDate Jan1_2016 // currentDate ); System.debug('crrCADvarDec31_2014effectiveUSDfixedJan1_2015current: ' + crrCADvarDec31_2014effectiveUSDfixedJan1_2015current); System.debug('crrCADvarDec31_2014effectiveUSDfixedJan1_2016current: ' + crrCADvarDec31_2014effectiveUSDfixedJan1_2016current); System.debug('crrCADvarJan1_2015effectiveUSDfixedJan1_2016current: ' + crrCADvarJan1_2015effectiveUSDfixedJan1_2016current); System.debug('crrUSDvarDec31_2014effectiveCADfixedJan1_2015current: ' + crrUSDvarDec31_2014effectiveCADfixedJan1_2015current); System.debug('crrUSDvarDec31_2014effectiveCADfixedJan1_2016current: ' + crrUSDvarDec31_2014effectiveCADfixedJan1_2016current); System.debug('crrUSDvarJan1_2015effectiveCADfixedJan1_2016current: ' + crrUSDvarJan1_2015effectiveCADfixedJan1_2016current); isCurrencyCorporateglobal static Map<String, Boolean> isCurrencyCorporate(Set<String> currencyCodeSet) Uses a set of currency codes to return a map of currency codes and associated Booleans indicating if the currency code is corporate. Input Parameters
Return ValueA Map of String currency codes to Boolean indicating whether the currency is the corporate one. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /** * Check to see if each currency in a set is the corporate one */ Set<String> setCurrencyCodes = new Set<String>{ 'USD', 'CAD', 'GBP' }; Date d =; Map<String, Boolean> mapCodesToCorporateBoolean = pse.MultiCurrencyService.isCurrencyCorporate(setCurrencyCodes); for(String codeKey : mapCodesToCorporateBoolean.keySet()){ System.debug( String.format( 'Currency {0} is {1} the corporate currency.', new List<String>{ codeKey, (mapCodesToCorporateBoolean.get(codeKey)) ? '' : 'not' } ) ); } pse.MultiCurrencyService.ExchangeRateglobal with sharing class ExchangeRate exchangerate provides a multi-currency helper class Properties
ExchangeRateglobal ExchangeRate() Constructor. Creates an empty ExchangeRate. Return ValueAn empty ExchangeRate. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /** * Create blank wrapper */ pse.MultiCurrencyService.ExchangeRateWrapper erw = new pse.MultiCurrencyService.ExchangeRateWrapper(); System.debug(erw); ExchangeRateglobal ExchangeRate(Set<String> currencyCodeSet, Set<Date> dateSet) Constructor. Using a set of currency codes and a set of dates, creates an ExchangeRate for all combinations of these currencies and dates. Input Parameters
Return ValueAn ExchangeRate with permutations for all currencies and dates provided. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /** * Load an exchange rate wrapper with a set of dates and currencies */ Set<String> currencyCodes = new Set<String>{ 'USD', 'CAD', 'GBP' } Set<Date> dateSet = new Set<Date>{ Date.valueOf('2015-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2016-01-01') }; pse.MultiCurrencyService.ExchangeRateWrapper erw = new pse.MultiCurrencyService.ExchangeRateWrapper(currencyCodes, dateSet); for(String currencyCode : currencyCodes){ for(Date d : dateSet){ System.debug( String.format( 'Rate for {0} on {1} is {2}.', new List<String>{ currencyCode, String.valueOf(d), String.valueOf(erw.getDatedRate()) } ) ); } } ExchangeRateglobal ExchangeRate(Set<String> currencyCodeSet, Set<Date> dateSet, Integer scale) Constructor. Using a set of currency codes and a set of dates, creates an ExchangeRate for all combinations of these currencies and dates for the given precision scale. Input Parameters
Return ValueAn ExchangeRate with permutations for all currencies and dates provided of given scale precision. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /** * Load an exchange rate wrapper with a set of dates and currencies of given precision scale */ Set<String> currencyCodes = new Set<String>{ 'USD', 'CAD', 'GBP' } Set<Date> dateSet = new Set<Date>{ Date.valueOf('2015-01-01'), Date.valueOf('2016-01-01') }; Integer scale = 2; pse.MultiCurrencyService.ExchangeRateWrapper erw = new pse.MultiCurrencyService.ExchangeRateWrapper(currencyCodes, dateSet, scale); for(String currencyCode : currencyCodes){ for(Date d : dateSet){ System.debug( String.format( 'Rate for {0} on {1} is {2}.', new List<String>{ currencyCode, String.valueOf(d), String.valueOf(erw.getDatedRate()) } ) ); } } addDatedCurrencyglobal void addDatedCurrency(String currencyCode, Date conversionDate) Adds a dated currency for given currency on given date. Input Parameters
Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /** * Try pulling dated rate before adding, then pull after adding */ pse.MultiCurrencyService.ExchangeRateWrapper erw = new pse.MultiCurrencyService.ExchangeRateWrapper(); String currencyCode = 'USD'; Date rateDate =; try{ erw.getDatedRate(currencyCode, rateDate); System.assert(false, 'Should not have rate for given currency and date yet.') }catch(Exception e){ System.debug( String.format( 'No rate found for {0} on {1}.', new List<String>{ currencyCode, String.valueOf(rateDate) } ) ); } erw.addDatedCurrency(currencyCode, rateDate); try{ System.debug( String.format( 'Conversion rate for {0} on {1} is {2}.', new List<String>{ currencyCode, String.valueOf(rateDate), String.valueOf(erw.getDatedRate(currencyCode, rateDate)) } ) ); }catch(Exception e){ System.assert( false, String.format( 'Should have rate for currency {0} and date {1}.', new List<String>{ currencyCode, String.valueOf(rateDate) } ) ); } getDatedRateglobal Decimal getDatedRate(String currencyCode, Date rateDate) Get the exchange rate for a given currency on a given date. Input Parameters
Return ValueA Decimal representing the exchange rate for given currency on given date. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /** * Pull dated rate after adding */ String currencyCode = 'USD'; Date rateDate =; pse.MultiCurrencyService.ExchangeRateWrapper erw = new pse.MultiCurrencyService.ExchangeRateWrapper( new Set<String>{currencyCode}, new Set<Date>{rateDate} ); System.debug( String.format( 'Conversion rate for {0} on {1} is {2}.', new List<String>{ currencyCode, String.valueOf(rateDate), String.valueOf(erw.getDatedRate(currencyCode, rateDate)) } ) ); convertAmountglobal Decimal convertAmount(Decimal fromAmount, String fromCurrencyCode, Date fromDate, String toCurrencyCode, Date toDate) Convert amount A1 from currency C1 on date D1 to currency C2 on date D2. Input Parameters
Return ValueA Decimal representing the converted amount in the given toCurrencyCode. Sample Code//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for //use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and //is in no way optimized or streamlined. /** * Convert an amount using an exchange rate wrapper with a set of dates and currencies */ String usDollars = 'USD', canadianDollars = 'CAD', poundsSterling = 'GBP'; Set<String> currencyCodes = new Set<String>{ usDollars, canadianDollars, poundsSterling } Date jan1_2015 = Date.valueOf('2015-01-01'), jan1_2016 = Date.valueOf('2016-01-01'); Set<Date> dateSet = new Set<Date>{ jan1_2015, jan1_2016 }; pse.MultiCurrencyService.ExchangeRateWrapper erw = new pse.MultiCurrencyService.ExchangeRateWrapper(currencyCodes, dateSet); Decimal amountToConvert = 100.00; Decimal x100USDinGBP = erw.convertAmount( amountToConvert, usDollars, jan1_2015, poundsSterling, jan1_2015 ); System.debug( String.format( '{0} in {1} on {2} was {3}.', new List<String>{ String.valueOf(amountToConvert), usDollars, String.valueOf(jan1_2015), String.valueOf(x100USDinGBP) } ) ); |