PSA Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class RevenueForecastService

this service provides the functionality relating to revenue forecasts.



global static pse.RevenueForecastService.RunForOpportunitiesAsyncResponse runForOpportunitiesAsync(pse.RevenueForecastService.RunForOpportunitiesAsyncRequest request)

Enqueues the Revenue Forecast Apex job to asynchronously process opportunities marked as Revenue Forecast Batch Update Pending. If opportunity IDs are provided, it will mark those opportunities as Revenue Forecast Batch Update Pending before scheduling the Apex job.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request pse.RevenueForecastService.RunForOpportunitiesAsyncRequest The configuration for the operation.

Return Value

The result of the operation.

Sample Code

//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for
//use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and
//is in no way optimized or streamlined.

Opportunity[] opportunities = [SELECT Id FROM Opportunity LIMIT 10];
Set<Id> opportunityIds = new Map<Id, SObject>(opportunities).keySet();
pse.RevenueForecastService.RunForOpportunitiesAsyncRequest request = new pse.RevenueForecastService.RunForOpportunitiesAsyncRequest( opportunityIds );
pse.RevenueForecastService.RunForOpportunitiesAsyncResponse response = pse.RevenueForecastVersionService.runForOpportunitiesAsync(request);

for (Opportunity opportunityRecord : opportunities) {
    Boolean success = response.getSuccess(opportunityRecord.Id);


global static pse.RevenueForecastService.RunForProjectsAsyncResponse runForProjectsAsync(pse.RevenueForecastService.RunForProjectsAsyncRequest request)

Enqueues the Revenue Forecast Apex job to asynchronously process projects marked as Revenue Forecast Batch Update Pending. If project IDs are provided, it will mark those projects as Revenue Forecast Batch Update Pending before scheduling the Apex job.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request pse.RevenueForecastService.RunForProjectsAsyncRequest The configuration for the operation.

Return Value

The result of the operation.

Sample Code

//Note: This sample code is for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for
//use in a production environment, is not guaranteed against defects or errors, and
//is in no way optimized or streamlined.

pse__Proj__c[] projects = [SELECT Id FROM pse__Proj__c LIMIT 10];
Set<Id> projectIds = new Map<Id, SObject>(projects).keySet();
pse.RevenueForecastService.RunForProjectsAsyncRequest request = new pse.RevenueForecastService.RunForProjectsAsyncRequest( projectIds );
pse.RevenueForecastService.RunForProjectsAsyncResponse response = pse.RevenueForecastVersionService.runForProjectsAsync(request);

for (pse__Proj__c project : projects) {
    Boolean success = response.getSuccess(project.Id);


global inherited sharing class RunForOpportunitiesAsyncRequest

the request structure for creating revenue forecasts for opportunities.


Name Type Description
OpportunityIds Set<Id> the opportunity ids to be forecasted. if empty, all opportunities pending an update will be forecasted.



global RunForOpportunitiesAsyncRequest()

A constructor that creates a new RunForOpportunitiesAsyncRequest instance.


global RunForOpportunitiesAsyncRequest(Set<Id> opportunityIds)

A constructor that creates a new RunForOpportunitiesAsyncRequest instance.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
opportunityIds Set<Id> The opportunity IDs to be forecasted.


global inherited sharing class RunForOpportunitiesAsyncResponse

the response structure from creating revenue forecasts for opportunities.


Name Type Description
ErrorsByOpportunityId Map<Id, List<String>> a map of the errors returned by the forecast run, keyed by opportunity id
IsUsingUnsupportedRevManVersion Boolean whether a supported version of revenue management is in use



global RunForOpportunitiesAsyncResponse()

A constructor that creates a new RunForOpportunitiesAsyncResponse instance.


global Boolean getSuccess(Id opportunityId)

Indicates whether the given opportunity was successfully marked as Revenue Forecast Batch Update Pending.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
opportunityId Id The opportunity ID.

Return Value

True if the forecast was successfully created for a given opportunity ID.


global List<String> getErrors(Id opportunityId)

Lists the errors encountered while marking the given opportunity as Revenue Forecast Batch Update Pending.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
opportunityId Id The opportunity ID.

Return Value

The list of errors for the given opportunity ID.


global Map<Id, List<String>> getAllErrorsByOpportunityId()

Lists the errors encountered while marking the given opportunities as Revenue Forecast Batch Update Pending and enqueuing the Revenue Forecast Apex job.

Return Value

The list of errors for the given Opportunity ID.


global inherited sharing class RunForProjectsAsyncRequest

the request structure for creating revenue forecasts for projects.


Name Type Description
ProjectIds Set<Id> the project ids to be forecasted. if empty, all pending projects will be processed.



global RunForProjectsAsyncRequest()

A constructor that creates a new RunForProjectsAsyncRequest instance.


global RunForProjectsAsyncRequest(Set<Id> projectIds)

A constructor that creates a new RunForProjectsAsyncRequest instance.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
projectIds Set<Id> The project IDs to be forecasted.


global inherited sharing class RunForProjectsAsyncResponse

the response structure from creating revenue forecasts for projects.


Name Type Description
ErrorsByProjectId Map<Id, List<String>> a map of the errors returned by the forecast run, keyed by opportunity id
IsUsingUnsupportedRevManVersion Boolean whether a supported version of revenue management is in use



global RunForProjectsAsyncResponse()

A constructor that creates a new RunForProjectsAsyncResponse instance.


global RunForProjectsAsyncResponse(Map<Id, List<String>> errorsByProjectId, Boolean usingUnsupportedRevManVersion)

A constructor that creates a new RunForProjectsAsyncResponse instance.


global Boolean getSuccess(Id projectId)

Indicates whether the given project was successfully marked as Revenue Forecast Batch Update Pending.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
projectId Id The project ID.

Return Value

True if the forecast was successfully created for a given project ID.


global List<String> getErrors(Id projectId)

Lists the errors encountered while marking the given project as Revenue Forecast Batch Update Pending.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
projectId Id The project ID.

Return Value

The list of errors for the given project ID.


global Map<Id, List<String>> getAllErrorsByProjectId()

Lists the errors encountered while marking the given projects as Revenue Forecast Batch Update Pending and enqueuing the Revenue Forecast Apex job.

Return Value

The list of errors for the given project ID.

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