The hourly or daily cost rate for the assignment. The default value is taken from the resource's role on their contact record.
Start/End Dates
The start and end dates for the assignment.
Planned Hours
Number of hours originally planned for the assignment. This field exists on projects, assignments and milestones and is for simple planning purposes. You can set Salesforce field-level security can be set on this field.
When you create an assignment from a resource request, the requested hours data on the resource requestA means of asking for resources for a project or an opportunity. is copied to the Planned Hours field on the assignmentConnection between a resource and a project..
When you create a project from a template, the Planned Hours data is copied.
Planned Bill Rate
The bill rate used during planning activities on fixed price resource requests when the actual bill rate is zero.
Use Default Cost Rate
Indicates whether the default cost rate for the resource is used for the assignment. When you deselect the checkbox, The Cost Rate Amount field appears where you can enter a cost rate specifically for the resource.
The currency used for the cost.
Cost Rate Amount
The hourly or daily costs incurred for the resource.
The scheduling strategy for the assignment. You can choose from several options. See "Schedule Strategy".
Day fields
Show the number of hours the resource must work on the task each day to achieve the end date. You can set the values in these fields when you select a Custom Scheduling Strategy
Schedule Strategy
The scheduling strategy to use. You can choose from several options depending on the options that your administrator has set:
Scheduling Strategy
Calculate End Date, Level Schedule
Calculates the end date taking into account holidays and other assignments that the resource has.
Calculate End Date, Ignore Availability
Calculates the End Date ignoring assignments that the resource has.
Adjust Hours Per Day
Calculates the hours per day based on the project end date and the Scheduled Hours. The Scheduled Hours are distributed evenly between the start and end dates.
Percent Allocation
Calculates the hours per day based on the percentage allocation in the Date Range lines. You can add several date range lines and specify a different percentage allocation on each date range. When you create an assignment or update the scheduling strategy on an assignment using this strategy schedule exceptions are created based on the date ranges and percent allocation that you enter.
Zero Hour Schedule
Allows you to create assignments with zero hours for each day. For instance, you can create resource requests with zero hours and then staff, assign or hold the resource requests.
Percent Allocation
The Percent Allocation section appears when you choose the Percent Allocation scheduling strategy. In this section you can add date ranges and specify a percentage allocation for the resource in each date range. This calculates the hours for each day. When you create an assignment or update the scheduling strategy on an assignment using this strategy schedule exceptions are created based on the date ranges and percent allocation that you enter.
R – Read-only; * – Mandatory field.
Daily Hours fields
Hours for each day of the date range based on the Percentage Allocation.
End Date
Date on which the date range is to end.
Ignore Holidays
Indicates whether holidays on the resources work calendar are to be excluded from the total hours.
Percent Allocation
Percentage allocation of the resource to use to calculate their scheduled hours for the date range.
Start Date
Date on which the date range is to start.
Total Hours
The total hours for the assignment between the dates specified in the Start Date and End Date fields of the date range.
Percentage Allocation Buttons
Add Date Range
Adds a date range line to the Percent Allocation section.
Calculates the hours on the daily hours and Total Hours fields for the date range based on the value in the Percentage Allocation field on that date range.
Updates the total hours on the Schedule and the Percent Allocation section based on the value in the Percentage Allocation field.
Schedule Detail Buttons
Update Schedule
Updates the schedule according to the Start/End Dates, Scheduled Hours and Scheduling Strategy selected.