Overriding a Services Forecast

To override a forecast for a Region, Practice, or Group (RPG):

  1. Click the Forecasts tab to view the Services Forecasts page.
  2. Click the Regions, Practices, or Groups category.
  3. Optionally, select a different entry periodA time period which is open for forecast entry on the Services Forecasts page. or summary periodA time period, for example, a quarter, over which forecasts are entered for multiple entry periods on the Services Forecasts page..
  4. Click Edit.
  5. If you want to view supporting business information, click the Show Worksheet Image: Star Icon icon on the RPG for which you wish to enter a forecast.
  6. Enter an adjusted forecast for the RPG on the "Region Override", "Practice Override", or "Group Override" row (depending on which category you selected). (You can press TAB to move the entry field to the right and SHIFT+TAB to move it to the left.)
    You must enter values for all forecast categories in order to save your forecast. Your administrator can change this behavior using the "RequireValues" configuration option.

    If you cannot see any override rows for a particular RPG, you may have the cascading "Forecast Edit" permission on that RPG. If so, you are permitted to enter an original forecast.
  7. Optionally, enter a comment.

    Image: Override Comments Screen
  8. Click Save.

To override a project forecast:

If you are the Project Manager:

  1. Click the Forecasts tab to view the Services Forecasts page.
  2. Click the Projects category to display the Project Hierarchy for the projects that you manage.
  3. Optionally, select a different entry period or summary period.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. If you want to view supporting business information, click the Show Worksheet Image: Star Icon icon on the project for which you wish to enter a forecast.
  6. Enter an adjusted forecast for sub-projects on the "Project Override" row. (You can press TAB to move the entry field to the right and SHIFT+TAB to move it to the left.)
  7. Optionally, enter a comment.
  8. Click Save.

If you are an RPG owner, or have been granted the Forecast Edit permission:

  1. Click the Forecasts tab to view the Services Forecasts page.
  2. Click the Regions, Practices, or Groups category depending on the related RPG for the project.
  3. Click the Show Projects Image: Show Projects Icon icon to show the Project Forecasts section: this displays the individual project forecasts for your RPG.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Enter an adjusted project forecastA forecast of services revenue entered by a Project Manager or Project Owner for a project or sub-project. on the "Region Override", "Practice Override", or "Group Override" row (depending on which category you selected). (You can press TAB to move the entry field to the right and SHIFT+TAB to move it to the left.)
  6. Optionally, enter a comment.
  7. Click Save.
  8. To sum up the override values to the total forecast for your RPG, click Copy to Forecast.
    The total and contributing forecast rows on the RPG Hierarchy update automatically to include the summed-up project forecast.
    The Copy to Forecast button is only available if the current entry period is selected.

Concept Information

Services Forecasts

Services Forecasting Overview

Services Forecasts Overrides Overview

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