Clicking the Hours to Days Rules tab displays the home page for that object.
Recent Choice | Description | |
Recently Viewed | The last 10 or 25 records you viewed, with the most recently viewed item listed first. This list is derived from your recent items and includes records owned by you and other users. | |
Recently Created | The last 10 or 25 records you created, with the most recently created item listed first. This list only includes records owned by you. | |
Recently Modified | The last 10 or 25 records you updated, with the most recently updated item listed first. This list only includes records owned by you. |
If you have the permissions to do so, you can create hours to days rules that determine how many hours count as a day or a half day for the purpose of calculating how many days to include in billing or cost calculations when using daily bill rates and daily cost rates.
You can apply an hours to days rule to a project and an assignment using the Hours to Days lookup field on the project or assignment.
Where a hours to days rule is created for an assignment this takes precedence over rules set on a project. If no hours to days rule is set for an assignment or project, the default hours to days rule is used if one has been created. If no default hours to days rule exists, then if you enter hours greater than zero for a timecard day, this counts as one day.
Each hours to days rule contains several hours and days fields. The days field specifies how many days to apply when the number of hours specified on the day of a timecard falls into the range specified in the corresponding hours field. For example:
Name of Rule | Hour Threshold 1 | Days Value 1 | Hour Threshold 2 | Days Value 2 | Hour Threshold 3 | Days Value 3 | Hour Threshold 4 | Days Value 4 |
Europe | 0 | 0.0 | 1 | 0.5 | 5 | 1 | 12 | 1.5 |
Using this example: