Backlog Detail Converted Fields

Backlog calculation detail records contain backlog revenue calculations converted into alternate currencies used by your organization. All revenue fields contain revenue from sub-levels if that option was selected in the backlog calculation.

* – Mandatory field.

Field     Description
Backlog Calculation     Backlog calculation to which the record belongs.
Billings     Billings amount used to calculate unscheduled revenue.
Bookings     The bookings amount used to calculate the unscheduled revenue amount
End Date     The end data of the calculation detail.
External Time Cost     Value of the aggregated cost calculation for external resources in scheduled project backlog.
Held Resource Request External Cost     The total costs for external held resource requests in the backlog calculations.
Held Resource Request Hours     The total hours held resource requests in the backlog calculations.
Held Resource Request Internal Cost     The total costs for internal held resource requests in the backlog calculations.
Held Resource Request Revenue     The total revenue for held resource requests in the backlog calculations.
Inactive Project Backlog     Unscheduled revenue from inactive projects, which is subtracted from unscheduled revenue in the backlog calculations. This value is calculated automatically when a projectA collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. is marked inactive.
Internal Time Cost     Value of the aggregated cost calculation for internal resources in scheduled project backlog.
Milestone Cost     Value of the milestone cost calculation in scheduled project backlog. This value is zero unless the Log Milestone Cost As External field is selected on the Milestone object.
Milestone Revenue *   The billable revenue from scheduled milestones.
Project     The project to which the backlog calculation belongs.
Scheduled Days     Total number of days scheduled based on assignment schedules and schedule exceptions. For example, if an assignment has a schedule of 4 hours Monday through Wednesday and the calculation period is 2 weeks inclusive, the value is 6 days (3 days per week * 2).
Scheduled Hours     The number of hours scheduled based on assignment schedules and schedule exceptions during the calculation time range.
Start Date     The date that the calculation starts from.
Time Revenue *   Billable revenue from scheduled assignments. For hourly assignments, this is the number of scheduled hours * bill rate. For assignments with a daily bill rate, this is the number of scheduled days * bill rate.
Unheld Resource Request Cost     The total costs for unheld resource requests in the backlog calculations.
Unheld Resource Request Hours     The total hours for unheld resource requests in the backlog calculations.
Unheld Resource Request Revenue     The total revenue for unheld resource requests in the backlog calculations.

Related Concepts

Backlog Calculations

Related Tasks

Calculating Backlog

Recalculating Backlog

Setting Alternate Backlog Currencies

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