Setting Alternate Backlog Currencies

Note: Note
When offering backlog calculation in alternate currencies, edit the Backlog page layout to include the Backlog Details Converted related list. For more information, see Customizing Page Layouts.

If you use multiple currencies, you can display backlog calculations converted into alternate currencies, enabling you to report on and compare your backlog in the various currencies used by your organization.

To set backlog to display an alternate currency:

  1. Manage the Backlog custom setting.
  2. Set the Backlog Details Corporate Currencies setting with the ISO currency codes used in your organization that you want to convert.

To report on backlog in an alternate currency, create a new custom report type:

  1. In Setup, click Create | Report Types.
  2. Click New Custom Report Type.
  3. Select Backlog Details Converted for the Primary Object. Complete the rest of the fields to fit individual requirements.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click Save.

Use this custom report type for all reports on backlog in converted currencies in your organization.

Related Concepts

Backlog Calculations


Backlog Calculation Fields

Backlog Calculation Detail Fields

Backlog Settings

Scheduled Backlog Settings

Backlog Detail Converted Fields

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