Scheduled Backlog Settings

Here is a description of the fields used for calculating scheduled and unscheduled backlog.

Warning: Warning Contact FinancialForce Support before making changes to Scheduled Backlog configuration options.


Key: * – Mandatory.

Field   Description
assignment-batch-size   The number of assignments in a batch when calculating the backlog for forecasting. The default value is 200.
backlog-statements-remaining-threshold   This setting is deprecated and no longer used. Salesforce has changed from a governor limit on statements to a governor limit on CPU time used. See the backlog-cpu-remaining-threshold setting.
backlog-cpu-remaining-threshold   Controls handling of CPU time governor limits by backlog batches. The default value is 500.
batch-size   The number of projects to process in a single batch when calculating the backlog. This number can be adjusted downward to address governor errors if encountered in the backlog. The default value is 25.
unscheduled-backlog-time-period-types   A list of Time period Type picklist values with calculated unscheduled backlogs. The default value is Perpetual.
DEPRECATED: use-old-backlog-calc   This setting is deprecated and no longer used.

Related Concepts

Backlog Calculations

Related Tasks

Calculating Backlog

Recalculating Backlog

Setting Alternate Backlog Currencies

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