Hours to Days Rule Fields

Here is a description of the fields on an hours to days rule.

* – Mandatory field. Required for all Rule Types.
R – Read-only.
A - Applies to all Rule Types.
C - Applies only to the Custom Rule Type.
T - Applies only to the Tiered Rule Type.

Field   Description
Name * Name of the hours to days rule.
Custom Plugin Name C The API name for a plugin used to specify customized hours-to-days rules logic.
Custom Plugin Namespace C The namespace used by the custom plugin.
Hours Threshold 1-24 A The maximum number of hours on a timecard day to apply the corresponding Days Value. For further information, see About Hours to Days Rules.
Tip: Tip
If you are using negative timecard entries as a way of creating adjustments, you can also create hours to days rules to handle negative amounts.
Days Value 1-24 A Number of days to be applied to the hour threshold. For further information, see About Hours to Days Rules.
Per Increment 1-24 T The number of hourly increments to divide timecard hours by when determining a day's value. The value is a percentage of an hour. For example, 0.5 is 30 minutes.
Maximum Days Value * If a user enters a number of hours on a timecard day higher than the greatest value in the Hours Threshold 1-24 fields, the value in this field is counted as the number of days for the timecard day. If all of the Hours Threshold 1-24 fields are empty, the value in this field is counted as the number of days.
Is Default A Indicates whether rule is to be used when there is no rule specified for the project or assignment. Only one hours to days rule can be the default. When you select this checkbox on a hours to days rule and another rule already has the checkbox selected, the checkbox on that rule is deselected.
Rule Type A Indicates the type of hours to days rule logic to employ. Valid values are: Standard, Tiered, and Custom. The default is Standard. For more information, see About Hours to Days Rules.

Related Concepts


About Timecard Splits

About Time Dates

About Time Against Project Tasks

About Hours to Days Rules

About Approving and Rejecting Timecards

About Combining Similar Timecards

Related Tasks

Approving and Rejecting Timecards

Using Timecards

Correcting Timecards

Missing Timecards

Recalling Timecard Lines

Showing and Hiding Timecards Based on Status

Creating an Hours to Days Rule

Submitting Timecards for Approval

Speeding Up Time Entry

Deleting a Timecard

Entering Time Against Project Tasks

Entering Time Against Projects and Assignments

Accessing a Timecard Entry Page

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