Manage Timecards to Approve Fields

Here is a description of the fields and buttons on the Manage Timecards to Approve page.


* – Mandatory.
R – Read-only.
M – Milestone drop-down list only available when you select a project.

Field   Description
Project/Assignment   Project or assignment on which to filter the displayed timecard approval requests.
Milestone M Milestone on which to filter the displayed timecard approval requests. The Milestone drop-down list only lists milestones for the project you chose in the Project / Assignment drop-down list.
Timecard Week Ending   Filters timecard approval requests to show only those where the last day of the timecard falls on the date specified.
Include Overlaps   Indicates whether the Week Ending filter includes dates that overlap. For instance, when Include Overlaps is selected if the timecard week ending date is 9-19-2012 and you enter 9-17-2012, that timecard record is listed.
Resource   Resource on which to filter timecard approval requests.
Billable   The billable/utilization status on which to filter timecard approval requests. You can choose one of the following:
  • Billable
  • Credited
  • Excluded
  • Non-Billable.


Button Description
Filter Filters the timecard approval requests depending on the criteria you choose in the Filter Approval Requests section.
Clear All Filters Clears your chosen filter criteria and lists all timecard approval requests.
Save Filters Saves the filtered timecard approval requests.


Field   Description
Primary Group   Groups the available timecard approval requests by:
Week Ending Date.
PSA groups timecards by primary category and then by secondary category.
Secondary Group  
Always group timecards by these settings   Indicates whether your selected groupings are remembered and applied the next time you approve or reject multiple timecards on the Manage Timecards to Approve page.


Button Description
Group Groups available timecard approval requests into your selected groups.

Approve / Reject Timecards

Field   Description
Selected Records   Total timecard approval requests that are selected.
Total Billable Hours Selected   Total billable hours (from timecard lines selected as billable) within your selected timecard approval requests.
Total Hours Selected   Total hours (from timecard lines) within your selected timecard approval requests.
Total Non-Billable Hours Selected   Total non-billable hours (from timecard lines not selected as billable) within your selected timecard approval requests.


Button Description
Approve Selected Approves the timecards for the selected timecard approval requests.
Reject Selected Rejects the timecards for the selected timecard approval requests.


Note: Note
The columns that appear on this section depend on the Timecard Approval Columns field set in the Timecard object. For further information, see Timecard Field Sets. You can also customize this section using custom settings on the Timecard object—see Timecard Settings.

Key: R – Read-only.

Field   Description
Timecard R Name of the timecard to which the timecard approval request relates.
Information Icon R Shows the fields that your administrator has configured to display when you hover over the icon.
Project R Project to which the timecard approval request relates
Assignment R Assignment to which the timecard approval request relates.
Resource R Resource to which the timecard approval request relates.
Milestone R Milestone to which the timecard approval request relates
Week Ending R End date for the week that the timecard covers.
Approved Billable Amount R The approved billable amount for the project or milestone.
Approved Hours R The approved hours for the project or milestone.
Billable R Week ending date of the timecard to which the approval request relates.
Budget R The budget for the project or milestone.
Daily Hours R Hours for each day of the timecard. The hours are blue if there is additional information for that day in details section of the timecard. Notes, Travel and Location for that day may be displayed when you have over the hours depending on the fields that your administrator has chosen in the Timecard field sets.
ETC R Estimated time to completion. When ETC is entered on a timecard, it is populated in the assignment when the timecard is submitted or Include in Financials is set to true. Note: To stop ETC from being populated in an assignment for a rejected timecard, you can set Submitted and Include in Financials to false for the timecard.
Remaining Budget R The remaining budget for the filter.
Remaining Hours R The remaining hours for the filter.
Total Hours R Total hours for the timecard line. Also displays for the appropriate filter.
Total Billable Amount R The total billable amount for the filter.
Total Billable Hours R The total billable hours for the filter.
Total Non Billable Hours R The total non-billable hours for the filter.
Comments   Comments to be sent to the users when you approve or reject the selected timecards.


Button Description
Checkbox Indicates whether the timecard is to be included in the action when you click Approve or Reject. To select all timecards for approval or rejection, select the checkbox in the heading line.
First Displays the first page of timecard approval requests.
Previous Displays the previous page of timecard approval requests.
Next Displays the next page of timecard approval requests.
Last Displays the last page of timecard approval requests.

Related Concepts


About Timecard Splits

Related Tasks

Approving and Rejecting Multiple Timecards

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