Setting up Work Calendars

Create a work calendarClosedA calendar that defines the working days, hours and public holidays for a resource, region, practice or group. for each entity in your organization that has different work weekdays, weekends, hours or holidays. For example, if your organization has resources in different geographical locations who work different days of the week, and have different days off, create a separate work calendar for each location:

  1. Click the Work Calendar tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. For each working day, enter the number of standard hours. For non-working days, enter zero hours.
  4. Define the start and end hours for each day. An end hour must not start before a start hour.
  5. Click Save.
  6. [Optional] Edit the Work Calendar field on the project to associate a work calendar with the project.
  7. [Optional] To see scheduled project task hours in an expanded detailed day view, select the Enable Day Detail setting in Project Task Gantt Settings and Preferences.

When creating regions, practices, groups, resources and assignments, enter the work calendar that you want to apply.

You can configure Project Task Gantt or Gantt to display the start and end time of each working day, based on the work calendar associated with the project.


PSA does not validate start and end hours defined in the Work Calendar object. If the End Hour on a day is set earlier than the Start Hour, Project Task Gantt displays an error.

If a resource does not have a specified work calendar while editing assignments, Resource and Project Planners creates a temporary work calendar using a 40-hour work week starting on Sunday.

InGantt, projects use the 24/7 work calendar if there is no work calendar associated with the project, or if there are no hours assigned to the days in the associated work calendar.