Reporting API Documentation


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateService

Encapsulates all service layer logic for the Action View Template functionality. For more guidelines and details see





global static List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate> load(set<ID> ids)

Loads the specified action view templates.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
ids set<ID> Identifies the action view templates to be loaded.

Return Value

This service returns a list of ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate objects.


global static List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate> save(List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate> templates)

Saves the specified action view templates. The rules here are that all fields must be provided as they are to be saved. This means that nulls will be saved as null, potentially wiping any previous value, i.e. partial updates are not supported. Also all child records (the InquiryTemplateColumns and InquiryTemplateFilters) must also be provided with all fields set, any existing child records not in this list will be deleted. The order of InquiryTemplateFilters is preserved on save.

Return Value

This service returns a list of the saved ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate objects.


global static List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateBaggage> getAvailableForExport()

Returns a list of action view templates and dataviews, as baggage descriptors, that are available for export, one for each template available for export. Each baggage descriptor describes the template and its direct dependancies.

Return Value

This service returns a list of ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateBaggage objects for available templates.


global static List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateAvailableRCP> getAvailableRCPs(DataviewService.DataView dataview)

Get a list of RCPs which could be used with the specified dataview.

Return Value

The related content panes which could be used with the specified dataview.


global static ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateBag exportBag(Set<Id> templatesToExport)

Exports the specified action view templates and associated records for running Action Views. All IDs are removed as they are not Org portable (references are by name).

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
templatesToExport Set<Id> Identifies the action view templates to export.

Return Value

This service returns a ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateBag object.


global static ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateImportsIgnored importBag(ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateBag bag)

Imports the action view templates and associated records in the specified bag. Any which already exist are ignored. No IDs should be present, so all references are resolved by name.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
bag ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateBag Contains the items you want to import.

Return Value

This service returns a ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateImportsIgnored object containing any imports which were ignored (because they already existed).


global with sharing class InquiryTemplate

Holds an action view template. See "What is an Action View Template?" in the FinancialForce Help for more details.


Name Type Description
TemplateId Id Globally unique string that identifies the record.
TemplateName String The template name.
TemplateColumns List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateColumn> Holds details of any columns defined on the action view template.
TemplateFilters List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateFilter> Holds details of the selection rule defined on the action view template
TemplateSignFilters List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateSignFilter> Holds details of any reverse sign rules defined on the action view template.
TemplateSortItems List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateSortItem> Holds details of any sorting rules defined on the action view template.
TemplateExcludedActions List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateExcludedAction> Holds details of any actions that the action view template excludes from the list of actions available to be performed at runtime.
TemplateCommonNames List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateCommonName> Holds details of any common name overrides on the action view template.
Dataview ffr.CommonService.Identity The dataview used by this action view template.
SummarizeDuplicateRows Boolean Select to aggregate rows where all the information is the same. Duplicate rows are rolled up into one summary row, and any columns where Mode=SUM are summed.
RelatedContentPanes List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateRCP>
TemplateSignFilterCosmetic Boolean
SummarizationTemplateId Id Identifies the summarization template to use if inquiring on summarized data.
SummarizationTemplateName String The name of the summarization template to use if inquiring on summarized data.
BasePeriod String Holds the current reference period for resolving soft-period calculations.
DEPRECATED: No longer in use.
Boolean Use the current period (from FFA) as the base period.
PromptBasePeriod Boolean Prompt the user for the base period when selecting data.
ShowDocumentCount Boolean When True, shows document counts for filtered columns when duplicate rows are aggregated in the Action View results.
ChartView Boolean Display the chart view in Action Views on load.
ChartType String The type of chart to display in the chart view.
ChartAxisA String The column to provide the first chart axis.
ChartAxisB String The column to provide the second chart axis.
ChartAxisC String The column to provide the value chart axis.
AxisASort String The sort order of chart axis A.
AxisBSort String The sort order of chart axis B.
AxisARotate Integer The angle of rotation of axis A labels.
AxisBRotate Integer The angle of rotation of axis B labels.
AxisAMaximum Decimal The maximum number of values for axis A.
AxisBMaximum Decimal The maximum number of values for axis B.
ChartScaling String The scaling factor chart values.
ChartLabelType String How to display labels on chart values.
ChartMode String The aggregation mode used to group chart values.
ColumnFilterDrill Boolean When True, ensures that when drilling on a filtered column the drill results are specific to the value in the filtered column. When False, the drill results include values across the whole row.
IncludeRowFilterWhenDrillDestination Boolean When True, ensures that when this template is the drilling destination it will maintain its row selection filters and merge these with the common name filtering.



global InquiryTemplate()

Creates an API version of an empty action view template object.


global InquiryTemplate(ffr__InquiryTemplate__c sObj, ffr.CommonService.Identity view)

Creates an API version of an action view template object using the specified parameters.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sObj ffr__InquiryTemplate__c Contains the SObject version of the action view template object.
view ffr.CommonService.Identity Identifies the dataview on which the action view template is based.


global ffr__InquiryTemplate__c createSObject()

Creates an SObject version of the action view template instance from its API version.


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateRCP


Name Type Description
Id Id
Name String
Rcp ffr.CommonService.Identity
DataviewField ffr.CommonService.Identity
IsDefault Boolean



global InquiryTemplateRCP()


global InquiryTemplateRCP(ffr__InquiryTemplateRCP__c sObj)


global ffr__InquiryTemplateRCP__c createSObject()


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateColumn

Holds details of a column defined on an action view template. See "What is an Action View Template?" in the FinancialForce Help for more details.


Name Type Description
ColumnId Id Globally unique string that identifies the record.
DisplayName String The title of this column. This will be displayed as the column title in the results grid.
DisplayOrder Decimal The order in which this column will be displayed in the results grid.
Field ffr.CommonService.Identity The field that this column contains.
Hidden Boolean Is this column hidden (by default)?
Mode String If this column contains a numeric field, set this to SUM for values to be summed in subtotal and grand total rows. Leave blank if you do not want values to be summed.
Type String The column type: field, formula or count.
ValueType String The values for the field that you are transposing on.
ColumnFilters List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateColumnFilter> Holds details of any filter defined on the column.
ColumnWidth Decimal The width of the column.
CalculateFormulaOnSummary Boolean Select to have the formula reapplied across subtotal and grand total rows, and aggregated rows.
FormulaDp Decimal The number of decimal places to use when displaying values in this column.
ColumnFormula List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateColumnFormula> Holds details of any formula defined on the column.
DecimalPlaces Decimal The number of decimal places that values in this column will be displayed to.
Scaling String The scaling rule to apply to large numbers.
NegativeNumberFormat String Indicates how negative numbers will be displayed in this column.
ShowNumberSeparators Boolean Indicates whether thousand separators are displayed.
Condition String The operator to use if setting conditional formatting on values in this column.
ConditionValue String The value to apply to the condition.
ConditionToValue String If the condition uses the In Range or Not In Range operator, this is the To value to use with the operator.
ConditionFalseTextColor String The text color to apply if the value in the column does not match the condition.
ConditionFalseFillColor String The fill color to apply if the value in the column does not match the condition.
ConditionTrueTextColor String The text color to apply if the value in the column matches the condition.
ConditionTrueFillColor String The fill color to apply if the value in the column matches the condition.
NegativeTextColor String The text color to apply to values that do not match the condition.
NegativeFillColor String The fill color to apply to values that do not match the condition.
PositiveTextColor String The text color to apply to values that match the condition.
PositiveFillColor String The fill color to apply to values that match the condition.
Drill ffr.CommonService.Identity The drill action view template associated with this column (if any).
TransposeDrills List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplateTransposeDrill> Holds details of the drill templates to use with different transposed values.
TransposeSwitchFieldId Id The field that you are transposing on.



global InquiryTemplateColumn()

Creates an API version of an empty action view template column object.


global InquiryTemplateColumn(ffr__InquiryTemplateColumn__c sObj, ffr.CommonService.Identity aField, ffr.CommonService.Identity aDrill)

Creates an API version of an action view template column object using the specified parameters.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sObj ffr__InquiryTemplateColumn__c Contains the SObject version of the action view template column object.
aField ffr.CommonService.Identity Identifies the field displayed in this column.
aDrill ffr.CommonService.Identity Identifies the action view template that will be used if drilling on values in this column.


global ffr__InquiryTemplateColumn__c createSObject()

Creates an SObject version of the action view template instance from its API version.

Return Value

This service returns an InquiryTemplateColumn__c object.


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateCommonName

Holds details of a common name override set on an action view template column.


Name Type Description
Id Id Globally unique string that identifies the record.
Field ffr.CommonService.Identity The field on which the common name has been overridden.
Name String The common name to use on this column.



global InquiryTemplateCommonName()

Creates an API version of an empty action view template common name object.


global InquiryTemplateCommonName(ffr__InquiryTemplateCommonName__c sObj)

Creates an API version of an action view template common name object using the specified parameters.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sObj ffr__InquiryTemplateCommonName__c Contains the SObject version of the action view template common name object.


global ffr__InquiryTemplateCommonName__c createSObject()

Creates an SObject version of the action view template common name instance from its API version.

Return Value

This service returns an InquiryTemplateCommonName__c object.


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateFilter

Holds details of the selection rule defined on an action view template. See "What is an Action View Template?" in the FinancialForce Help for more details.


Name Type Description
FilterId Id Globally unique string that identifies the record.
Name String System-generated name.
Operator String The operator to use in this condition.
Field String The field used in this condition.
FromValue String If the operator is In Range or Not in Range, this is the From Value to apply.
ToValue String The value to apply to the condition. If the operator is In Range or Not in Range, this is the To Value.
Prompt Boolean Indicates whether users will be prompted to supply a value at runtime.
OpeningBrackets Decimal The number of opening brackets.
ClosingBrackets Decimal The number of closing brackets.
CombineType String Indicates if this is an AND or OR condition.



global InquiryTemplateFilter()

Creates an API version of an empty action view template filter object.


global InquiryTemplateFilter(ffr__InquiryTemplateFilter__c sObj, ffr.CommonService.Identity theField)

Creates an API version of an action view template filter object using the specified parameters.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sObj ffr__InquiryTemplateFilter__c Contains the SObject version of the action view template filter object.
theField ffr.CommonService.Identity Identifies the field to which this filter applies.


global ffr__InquiryTemplateFilter__c createSObject(Id fieldId)

Creates an SObject version of the action view template filter instance from its API version.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
fieldId Id Identifies the field to which the filter applies.

Return Value

This service returns an InquiryTemplateFilter__c object.


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateColumnFilter

Creates an API version of an empty action view template filter object.


Name Type Description
FilterId Id Globally unique string that identifies the record.
Name String System-generated name.
Operator String The operator to use in this condition.
Field String The field used in this condition.
FieldId String
FromValue String The value to apply to the condition (for single argument operations). If the operator is In Range or Not in Range, this is the From Value to apply.
ToValue String If the operator is In Range or Not in Range, this is the To Value.
Prompt Boolean Indicates whether users will be prompted to supply a value at runtime.
OpeningBrackets Decimal The number of opening brackets.
ClosingBrackets Decimal The number of closing brackets.
CombineType String Indicates if this is an AND or OR condition.



global InquiryTemplateColumnFilter()

Creates an API version of an empty action view template column filter object.


global InquiryTemplateColumnFilter(ffr__InquiryTemplateColumnFilter__c sObj, ffr.CommonService.Identity theField)

Creates an API version of an action view template column filter object using the specified parameters.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sObj ffr__InquiryTemplateColumnFilter__c Contains the SObject version of the action view template column filter object.
theField ffr.CommonService.Identity Identifies the field to which the filter is applied.


global ffr__InquiryTemplateColumnFilter__c createSObject(Id fieldId)

Creates an SObject version of the action view template column filter instance from its API version.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
fieldId Id Identifies the field to which the column filter applies.

Return Value

This service returns an InquiryTemplateColumnFilter__c object.


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateColumnFormula

Holds details of the formula defined on an action view template column. See "Building Formulae for use in Action Views" in the FinancialForce Help for more details.


Name Type Description
Id Id Globally unique string that identifies the record.
Operator String The operator to use in this formula.
LiteralValue Decimal A literal value used in the formula.
SourceColumn String The name of a presentable column used in the formula.
SourceColumnId Id Unique ID that identifies the presentable column.
SourceField String The name of a field used in the formula.
SourceFieldId Id Unique ID that identifies the field.
OpeningBrackets Decimal The number of opening brackets.
ClosingBrackets Decimal The number of closing brackets.



global InquiryTemplateColumnFormula()

Creates an API version of an empty action view template column formula object.


global InquiryTemplateColumnFormula(ffr__InquiryTemplateColumnFormula__c sObj)

Creates an API version of an action view template column formula object using the specified parameters.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sObj ffr__InquiryTemplateColumnFormula__c Contains the SObject version of the action view template column formula object.


global ffr__InquiryTemplateColumnFormula__c createSObject()

Creates an SObject version of the action view template column formula instance from its API version.


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateSignFilter

Holds details of the reverse sign rule defined on an action view template. See "What is an Action View Template?" in the FinancialForce Help for more details.


Name Type Description
FilterId Id Globally unique string that identifies the record.
Name String System-generated name.
Operator String The operator to use in this condition.
Field String The field used in this condition.
FieldId String
FromValue String The value to apply to the condition (for single argument operations). If the operator is In Range or Not in Range, this is the From Value to apply.
ToValue String If the operator is In Range or Not in Range, this is the To Value.
Prompt Boolean Indicates whether users will be prompted to supply a value at runtime.
OpeningBrackets Decimal The number of opening brackets.
ClosingBrackets Decimal The number of closing brackets.
CombineType String Indicates if this is an AND or OR condition.



global InquiryTemplateSignFilter()

Creates an API version of an empty action view template sign filter object.


global InquiryTemplateSignFilter(ffr__InquiryTemplateSignFilter__c sObj, ffr.CommonService.Identity theField)

Creates an API version of an action view template sign filter object using the specified parameters.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sObj ffr__InquiryTemplateSignFilter__c Contains the SObject version of the action view template sign filter object.
theField ffr.CommonService.Identity Identifies the field to which this filter applies.


global ffr__InquiryTemplateSignFilter__c createSObject(Id fieldId)

Creates an SObject version of the action view template sign filter instance from its API version.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
fieldId Id Identifies the field to which the sign filter applies.

Return Value

This service returns an InquiryTemplateSignFilter__c object.


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateSortItem

Holds details of sorting and grouping options defined on an action view template.


Name Type Description
Id Id Unique ID that identifies the column.
Column String The column to sort by.
ColumnId Id Unique ID that identifies the column.
Order String The sort order.
GroupBy Boolean Indicates whether or not to group by this column.
HideDetails Boolean If GroupBy is True, choose whether or not to hide the details listed for each group. When True, only a subtotal row is displayed for each group.
UsePicklistOrder Boolean If usePicklistOrder is True, sorting and grouping will use the picklist order when ordering.



global InquiryTemplateSortItem()

Creates an API version of an empty action view template sort item object.


global InquiryTemplateSortItem(ffr__InquiryTemplateSortItem__c sObj)

Creates an API version of an action view template sort item object using the specified parameters.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sObj ffr__InquiryTemplateSortItem__c Contains the SObject version of the action view template sort item object.


global ffr__InquiryTemplateSortItem__c createSObject()

Creates an SObject version of the action view template sort item instance from its API version.

Return Value

This service returns an InquiryTemplateSortItem__c object.


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateExcludedAction

Holds details of an action that the action view template excludes from the list of actions available to be performed at runtime.


Name Type Description
Id Id Identifies the excluded action.
DataViewActionId Id Globally unique string that identifies the record.



global InquiryTemplateExcludedAction()

Creates an API version of an empty action view template excluded action object.


global InquiryTemplateExcludedAction(ffr__InquiryTemplateExcludedAction__c sObj)

Creates an API version of an empty action view template excluded action object.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sObj ffr__InquiryTemplateExcludedAction__c Creates an API version of an action view template excluded action object using the specified parameters.


global ffr__InquiryTemplateExcludedAction__c createSObject(Id DataViewActionId)

Creates an SObject version of the action view template excluded action instance from its API version.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
DataViewActionId Id Identifies the excluded action.

Return Value

This service returns an InquiryTemplateExcludedAction__c object.


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateTransposeDrill

Holds details of the drill template to use for each value of a transposed field in an action view template column.


Name Type Description
Id Id Globally unique string that identifies the record.
TransposeItemValue String The transpose value that the specified drill action view template relates to.
Field ffr.CommonService.Identity The field to which these drill action view templates apply.
DrillTemplate ffr.CommonService.Identity The drill action view template to use for the specified transposed value.



global InquiryTemplateTransposeDrill()

Creates an API version of an empty action view template transpose drill object.


global InquiryTemplateTransposeDrill(ffr__InquiryTemplateTransposeDrill__c sObj, ffr.CommonService.Identity fieldIdentity, ffr.CommonService.Identity drillTemplateIdentity)

Creates an API version of an action view template transpose drill object using the specified parameters.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
sObj ffr__InquiryTemplateTransposeDrill__c Contains the SObject version of the action view template transpose drill object.
fieldIdentity ffr.CommonService.Identity Identifies the field being transposed.
drillTemplateIdentity ffr.CommonService.Identity Identifies the drill action view template.


global ffr__InquiryTemplateTransposeDrill__c createSObject()

Creates an SObject version of the action view template transpose drill instance from its API version.


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateBaggage

Holds a list of action view templates and dataviews that are available for export.


Name Type Description
Template ffr.CommonService.Identity Identifies an action view template available for export.
SummarizationTemplate ffr.CommonService.Identity Identifies a summarization template available for export.
SummarizationTemplateDataview ffr.CommonService.Identity Identifies a dataview, with a summarization object as its primary source object, available for export.
Dataview ffr.CommonService.Identity Identifies a dataview available for export.
DependantTemplates List<ffr.CommonService.Identity> A list of dependent templates.
DependantRcps List<ffr.CommonService.Identity> A list of dependent related content panes.



global InquiryTemplateBaggage()

Creates an API version of an empty action view template baggage object.


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateBag

Holds action view templates and associated records that you are exporting from one organization and importing into another organization.


Name Type Description
Selected List<String> Lists the records selected for transfer from one organization to another.
Templates List<ffr.InquiryTemplateService.InquiryTemplate> The list of action view templates in the bag.
SummarizationTemplates List<ffr.SummarizationService.SummarizationTemplate> The list of summarization templates in the bag.
Dataviews List<ffr.DataViewService.DataView> The list of dataviews in the bag.
Rcps List<ffr.RelatedContentPaneService.Pane> The list of related content panes in the bag.
FFRVersion Decimal The version of FinancialForce Accounting used to create the bag.



global InquiryTemplateBag()

Creates an API version of an empty action view template bag object.


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateImportsIgnored

Holds details of any dataviews, action view templates and summarization templates that were ignored by the import process. This happens when a dataview, action view template or summarization template with the same name already exists in the organization.


Name Type Description
Template List<ffr.CommonService.Identity> Identifies action view templates that were ignored by the import process.
Dataview List<ffr.CommonService.Identity> Identifies dataviews that were ignored by the import process.
RelatedContentPane List<ffr.CommonService.Identity> Identifies related content panes that were ignored by the import process.
SummarizationTemplate List<ffr.CommonService.Identity> Identifies summarization templates that were ignored by the import process.



global InquiryTemplateImportsIgnored()

Creates an API version of an empty action view template imports ignored object.


global with sharing class InquiryTemplateAvailableRCP


Name Type Description
Rcp ffr.CommonService.Identity
DrivingEntity String



global InquiryTemplateAvailableRCP()


global InquiryTemplateAvailableRCP(ffr__RelatedContentPane__c pane)

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