global with sharing class CODAAPIBankStatementLineItemTypes_6_0
holds information about a bank statement line item. see "importing bank statement details" in the financialforce help for more details.
possible bank statement line statuses.
Imported |
The statement line has been imported. |
InProgress |
The reconciliation is in progress. |
Reconciled |
The statement line has been reconciled. |
global with sharing class BankStatementLineItem
holds information about a bank statement line item. see "importing bank statement details" in the financialforce help for more details.
Id |
id |
globally unique string that identifies the record.
IsDeleted |
boolean |
indicates whether the record has been moved to the recycle bin (true) or not (false).
Name |
string |
unique number allocated to this cash entry.
CreatedDate |
datetime |
date and time when this record was created.
CreatedById |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
id of the user who created this record.
LastModifiedDate |
datetime |
date and time when this record was last modified by a user.
LastModifiedById |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
id of the user who last updated this record.
SystemModstamp |
datetime |
date and time when this record was last modified by a user or by a workflow process (such as a trigger).
BankStatement |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
reference to the related bank statement. mandatory.
Amount |
decimal |
value of payment or receipt. mandatory.
DateValue |
date |
date on the bank statement line. mandatory.
Description |
string |
description on the bank statement line.
LineStatus |
c2g.CODAAPIBankStatementLineItemTypes_6_0.enumLineStatus |
status of the bank statement line item.
OwnerCompany |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
reference to the company to which this record belongs.
Reference |
string |
reference taken from the bank statement line, such as a check number or payee name.
global with sharing class BankStatementLineItems
holds the collection of bankstatementlineitem objects on this bank statement.