Id |
id |
globally unique string that identifies the record.
IsDeleted |
boolean |
indicates whether the record has been moved to the recycle bin (true) or not (false).
Name |
string |
unique number allocated to this journal line item.
CreatedDate |
datetime |
date and time when the record was created.
CreatedById |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
id of the user who created the record.
LastModifiedDate |
datetime |
date and time when the record was last modified by a user.
LastModifiedById |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
id of the user who last modified the record.
SystemModstamp |
datetime |
date and time when the record was last modified by a user or by a workflow process (such as a trigger).
Journal |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
reference to the related journal.
AccountValue |
decimal |
value associated with the specified customer account. default (calculated) or user-defined.
Account |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
reference to the account affected by this journal line item. Mandatory when the LineTypeRef is "Account_Type_Customer".
BankAccountValue |
decimal |
value of the line associated with the specified bank account. default (calculated) or user-defined.
BankAccount |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
reference to the bank account affected by this journal line item.
DestinationCompany |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
reference to the company that receives the costs during an intercompany journal process.
Dimension1Value |
decimal |
value of the line associated with the specified dimension 1. default (calculated) or user-defined.
Dimension1 |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
reference to the dimension 1 record by which you want to analyze this journal line item.
Dimension2Value |
decimal |
value of the line associated with the specified dimension 2. default (calculated) or user-defined.
Dimension2 |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
reference to the dimension 2 record by which you want to analyze this journal line item.
Dimension3Value |
decimal |
value of the line associated with the specified dimension 3. default (calculated) or user-defined.
Dimension3 |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
reference to the dimension 3 record by which you want to analyze this journal line item.
Dimension4Value |
decimal |
value of the line associated with the specified dimension 4. default (calculated) or user-defined.
Dimension4 |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
reference to the dimension 4 record by which you want to analyze this journal line item.
DualValue |
decimal |
the value of the line dual currency. default (calculated) or user-defined.
GeneralLedgerAccountValue |
decimal |
value of the line associated with the general ledger account. default (calculated) or user-defined.
GeneralLedgerAccount |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
reference to the general ledger account. Mandatory when the LineTypeRef requires a general ledger account.
LocalGLAValue |
decimal |
value of the line associated with the local gla. default (calculated) or user-defined.
LocalGLA |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
reference to the local gla associated with corporate gla through coa. Mandatory when the LineTypeRef requires a general ledger account.
HomeValue |
decimal |
value of the line in home currency. default (calculated) or user-defined.
LineDescription |
string |
description of this journal line item.
LineTypeRef |
c2g.CODAAPIJournalLineItemTypes_12_0.enumLineType |
type of journal line. mandatory.
DestinationLineTypeRef |
c2g.CODAAPIJournalLineItemTypes_12_0.enumDestinationLineType |
type of journal destination line.
OwnerCompany |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
company to which this line item belongs.
Product |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
name of the related product.
TaxCode |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
name of the related tax code.
DebitCredit |
c2g.CODAAPIJournalLineItemTypes_12_0.enumDebitCredit |
indicates whether this journal line item is a debit or credit value.
Value |
decimal |
the value of the line in document currency. mandatory.
VendorValue |
decimal |
value of the line associated with the specified vendor account.
DualRate |
decimal |
the exchange rate used on this journal line item for home to dual currency.
JournalRate |
decimal |
the exchange rate used on this journal line item for journal to home currency.
TaxValue1 |
decimal |
total value of tax relating to this journal line, to two decimal places.
TaxValue2 |
decimal |
total value of tax relating to this journal line, to two decimal places. sales and use tax only.
TaxValue3 |
decimal |
total value of tax relating to this journal line, to two decimal places. sales and use tax only.
TaxAnalysis1 |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
name of the tax code by which you want to analyze this journal line. only relevant to non-tax lines.
TaxAnalysis2 |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
name of the tax code by which you want to analyze this journal line. only relevant to non-tax lines. sales and use tax only.
TaxAnalysis3 |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
name of the tax code by which you want to analyze this journal line. only relevant to non-tax lines. sales and use tax only.
TaxableValue |
decimal |
taxable value relating to this tax line, to two decimal places.
AccountAnalysis |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
reference to the related account on a non-account line.
ProductAnalysis |
c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference |
reference to the related product on a non-product line.
CustomFields |
List<c2g.CODAAPIJournalLineItemTypes_12_0.CustomField> |
reference to the list of user-defined fields that have been exposed with a type 1 integration rule.