c2g.CODAAPICompany_2_0global with sharing class CODAAPICompany_2_0 retrieves a list of your current companies. current companies are those that you have been granted access to and have also selected as current. Properties
GetCurrentCompanieswebService static List<String> GetCurrentCompanies(c2g.CODAAPICommon_2_0.Context context) Retrieves a list of your current companies. Input Parameters
Return ValueReturns the current company names. SetCurrentCompanieswebService static void SetCurrentCompanies(List<String> companies) Enables you to change your current companies. Because of platform restrictions this must be used in an seperate execution context from other DML operations. For more details see Developers Guide Getting Started. Input Parameters
Exceptions Thrown
CreateTestCompanywebService static c2g__codaCompany__c CreateTestCompany(String name, String taxMode, String companyCurrency) Enables you to create a company for use in tests. To use this function you must place it within Test.startTest() and Test.stopTest() statements within a System.runAs block of a unit test. For more details see Developers Guide Getting Started. If this is the first company created it will be made the current company for the current user. Input Parameters