ffbc.AccountsServiceglobal with sharing class AccountsService This class adds service functionality to the standard Salesforce Account object. Methods
getAddressSummariesglobal static List<ffbc.AccountsService.AddressSummary> getAddressSummaries(Set<Id> accountIds) Retrieves accounts using the IDs provided. Returns wrappers for the formatted address information on the accounts. If the account has a billing account, the billing address returned is taken from the billing account. Input Parameters
Return ValueA list of wrappers for the address information on the accounts. getBillingContactsForEmailglobal static List<ffbc.AccountsService.ContactEmailInfo> getBillingContactsForEmail(Set<Id> accountIds) Retrieves billing contacts that are valid email recipients using the account IDs provided. Returns wrappers for the recipient email information. The contacts are ordered by first and last name. Input Parameters
Return ValueA list of wrappers for the contact email information. ffbc.AccountsService.AddressSummaryglobal with sharing class AddressSummary this class wraps the address information of an account. Properties
ffbc.AccountsService.Addressglobal with sharing class Address this class wraps an address. Properties
ffbc.AccountsService.ContactEmailInfoglobal with sharing class ContactEmailInfo this class wraps the email information of a contact. Properties