global with sharing class FieldMetadata
A wrapper object containing information about an SObject field path and the metadata of its destination field.
ObjectType |
String |
read only. the api name of the sobject type to which the field path belongs.
FieldPath |
String |
read only. the path of the field relative to the object type.
DisplayType |
String |
read only. the display type of the field.
Precision |
Integer |
read only. the precision of a numeric field.
Scale |
Integer |
read only. the scale of a numeric field.
Length |
Integer |
read only. the length of a text field.
ReferenceTo |
String |
read only. the api name of the sobject type to which the field is a reference.
Labels |
List<String> |
Read only. The list of labels of the fields which are referenced by the field path. The order of labels corresponds to the the order in which the field path references the fields.
IsRelatedObjectField |
Boolean |
read only. indicates whether the fieldpath describes a field on a related object.
IsCalculated |
Boolean |
read only. indicates whether the field is a custom formula field.
IsAutoNumber |
Boolean |
read only. indicates whether the field is an auto number field.
IsCreateable |
Boolean |
read only. indicates whether a field is can be created.
IsUpdateable |
Boolean |
read only. indicates whether a field can be updated.
IsRequired |
Boolean |
read only. indicates whether a field is required.
IsReferenceToNonSearchable |
Boolean |
read only. indicates whether a field references an sobject that cannot be searched using ffbc.lookupservice. Typically, when True, it indicates that the SObject's name field is encrypted.
PicklistOptions |
List<ffbc.FieldMetadata.PicklistOption> |
read only. the options available for a picklist field.
global with sharing class PicklistOption
An object containing metadata for an option that is available for a picklist field.
Name |
String |
Read only. The text displayed for the picklist option.
Value |
String |
Read only. The underlying value for the picklist option.