Billing Central Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class PricingStructuresService

This class provides service functionality for the Pricing Structure object.



an enum that represents the valid pricing types for pricing structures.

Value Description
Volume The unit price for a quantity of units is applied to all units.
Tiered The unit price for each quantity break is applied only to units that exceed its quantity.


an enum that represents the valid usage billing types for pricing structures.

Value Description
TotalUsage Unit prices are calculated based on the total usage quantity per billing period of the contract line item.
PerUsage Unit prices are calculated based on the quantity of the individual usage records per billing period of the contract line item.



global static List<ffbc.PricingStructuresService.PricingStructure> load(Set<Id> pricingStructureIds)

Retrieves the pricing structures with the IDs provided and returns a wrapper for each pricing structure and its quantity breaks.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
pricingStructureIds Set<Id> The pricing structures to query.

Return Value

The wrappers for each pricing structure and its list of quantity breaks in ascending order of quantity.


global with sharing class PricingStructure

this class models a pricing structure with quantity breaks.


Name Type Description
Id Id read only. the id of the pricing structure.
PricingStructureName String the name of the pricing structure.
PricingType ffbc.PricingStructuresService.Type read only. the type of pricing to be used in billing.
UsageBillingType ffbc.PricingStructuresService.UsageBillingType the usage billing type to be used.
Description String the description of the pricing structure.
QuantityBreaks List<ffbc.PricingStructuresService.QuantityBreak> read only. the quantity breaks related to the pricing structure, ordered by ascending quantity.


global with sharing class QuantityBreak

this class models a quantity break.


Name Type Description
Quantity Decimal read only. the quantity of the quantity break.
UnitPrice Decimal read only. the unit price of the quantity break.
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