Currency Revaluation Fields

Here is a description of the custom fields, in alphabetical order, that make up a CRV document.

Field Description
Currency Revaluation Name Name of this CRV record.

Key: R – Read-only in all contexts; E – Editable at review stage; IS – Income Statement only

Field     Description
Accounting Book     Stores the Accounting Book associated with this record.
Analysis     All transaction lines that share the same analysis elementsClosedThe elements of a full accounting code consist of a general ledger account, an entity, and up to four analysis dimensions. are grouped into a CRV summary. The options are:

Summary: Summarize lines with the same analysis. All lines that share the same analysis elements are summarized into a single entry.

Detail: List all revaluation detail lines individually. You can drill down from summary level to the individual CRV detail lines.

Either way, the total is posted as a single summarized line to the Unrealized Gains/Losses GLA. This custom picklist must remain fixed. Do not add or amend its values.
Cancel Period     The period to which canceling transactions were posted.
Cancellation Reason   255 Reason this CRV record was canceled.
Company     Company that owns this record.
Currency Translation Adjustment GLA     GLA to which the total translation amount is posted.
Dimension 1–4     Analysis dimensions to use when posting to the Unrealized Gains/Losses GLA.
Dimension Analysis     Indicates whether you want to copy the analysis dimensions from the source transactions, or enter them during the configuration. The default (None) indicates no dimension analysis.
Discard Reason   255 Reason this document was discarded.
Document Currency     Displays the associated document currencyClosedThe currency in which values are entered on a document..
Document Description E 255 Displays the revaluation type and document currency by default.
Document Exchange Rate     Exchange rate between home currencyClosedThe main working currency of the current company. and document currency, used to revalue the home currency amounts. All exchange rates in this application are expressed as a multiplier with respect to home currency. Up to nine decimal places are supported.
Document Ordering     Stores the transformed reference for the currency translation or currency revaluation document. Currency Revaluation documents are prefixed by CRV and Currency Translation documents are prefixed by CRT.
Document Reference E 80 Reference to identify this CRV record later.
Document Type    

Stores the document type, which identifies whether the document was created by a currency revaluation or currency translation. CRV documents have one of the following types:

  • Revaluation
  • Translation
Dual Exchange Rate     Exchange rate between home currency and dual currencyClosedThe currency in which your corporate headquarters reports financial statements. This defaults to, and is normally the same as, the corporate currency., used to calculate the dual currency amounts. All exchange rates in this application are expressed as a multiplier with respect to home currency. Up to nine decimal places are supported.
Exclude CRV Transactions     Indicates, in balance sheets, that CRV lines are ignored. By default, they are already ignored in income statements.
Exclude Revalued Lines R   Indicates if the Lines Already Revalued option was set to "Exclude from selection" when the CRV was created. The checkbox is clear if the Lines Already Revalued option was set to "Fail with an error".
Group R   Identifies the revaluation group that this document belongs to. This is a fixed, system-generated identifier.
Period From IS   Start of the revaluation period. The whole revaluation period for an income statement should fall within the current financial year.
Period To     End of the revaluation period.
Posting Period R   Accounting period to which the resulting transaction is posted. The resulting transaction date will be the last day of this period.
Revaluation Type     Indicates whether this revaluation is in preparation for a Balance Sheet or Income Statement. This custom picklist must remain fixed. Do not add or amend its values.
Revaluation Unrealized Gains/Losses GLA     GLA to which the total revaluation amount is posted.
Reversal Period     Accounting period to which the resulting transaction reversal is posted. The resulting transaction date will be the first day of this period.

The opening and closing periods, period 000ClosedThe opening period of a financial year. and period 101ClosedThe closing period of a financial year., are not valid reversal periods.
Scheduled Time R   The scheduled date and time for generating this CRV. If this is blank, the CRV was generated immediately (not scheduled). When this field has a value, it always shows the original scheduled date and time, regardless of changes to the document's status.
Standard Breakdown R   Indicates that standard analysis breakdown was selected when the CRV was created. When selected, transaction line items for the gains and losses GLA are broken down by standard analysis fields (Account, Product, Bank Account, Tax Code).
Status R   Status of this CRV record. See About Currency Revaluation and Translation for more information.
Subanalysis Breakdown R   Indicates that subanalysis breakdown was selected when the CRV was created. When selected, the CRV summaries and transaction line items for the gains and losses GLA are broken down by custom fields that have been set up for sub-analysis mappingClosedMapping of custom fields at header and line level for the purpose of profitability reporting..

Currency Revaluation Summary

All fields in this section are read-only.

Field Description
Account Lookup to the associated account entityClosedCollective term for the following predefined dimensions within your chart of accounts: account, product, bank account, and tax code..
Bank Account Lookup to the associated bank account entityClosedCollective term for the following predefined dimensions within your chart of accounts: account, product, bank account, and tax code..
Dimension 1–4 Names of any associated analysis dimensionsClosedCustom objects that allow you to analyze the activity in your business in additional ways, such as by cost center, project, employee, or any other business entity important to you..
Dual Value Amount in dual currency.
General Ledger Account General ledger account to which these lines will be or have been posted.
Home Value Amount in home currency.
Product Lookup to the associated product entityClosedCollective term for the following predefined dimensions within your chart of accounts: account, product, bank account, and tax code..
Status Status of this CRV summary.
Tax Code 1-3 Lookups to the associated tax codes.

Currency Revaluation Line Item

All fields in this section are read-only.

Field Description
Currency Revaluation Summary Lookup to the related CRV summary.
Dual Value Amount in dual currency.
Home Value Amount in home currency.
Transaction Line Item Lookup to the related transaction line item.


The following buttons may display. The availability or validity of these buttons varies according to many factors, including org configuration.

Button Stage Description
Load Template Select Loads the stored revaluation configuration from an existing CRV template.
Retrieve Data Select Retrieves the data based on the criteria entered.
Export As Revalue Exports the retrieved transactions to the selected output format for review. The supported formats are Microsoft Excel, Adobe PDF and CSV.
Generate Revalue Creates the CRV group. The resulting documents are "In Progress".
Generate & Post Revalue Creates the CRV group and posts it. The resulting documents are "Complete".
Previous Revalue Returns to the Select page.
Save Template Revalue Saves the current revaluation configuration as a CRV template.
Post Review Posts the "In Progress" documents and creates transactions. The resulting documents are "Complete".
Show All Transactions Review Opens a new browser tab. The new browser window displays an action view.
Discard Review and Document Discards the document, if its status permits. Sets the document's status to "Discarded".
Clear History Document Clears the revaluation history of discarded documents, or those that failed during the document generation phase.
Edit Document Prepares the "In Progress" document for limited editing.
Cancel Revaluation Document Cancels a "Complete" document by creating a transaction equal and opposite to the original post.
Delete Document You cannot delete a CRV document, you must discard it.
Clone Document You cannot clone a CRV document.