Currency Revaluation and Translation Example

This example shows how adjustment values are calculated for home and dual currency when performing a currency revaluation. For simplicity, the example shows values resulting from a single sales invoice.


Company Name Home Currency Dual Currency

Sales Invoice

Invoice Currency Invoice Date Invoice Exchange Rate
(Doc to Home)
Dual Exchange Rate
(Home to Dual)
Invoice Line Net Value Tax Value Invoice Total
USD 01/01/2014 2 1.2 $100 $17.50 $117.50

Transaction Line Items

Line Type GLA GLA Allows Revaluation? Doc Value Home Exchange Rate Home Value Dual Exchange Rate Dual Value
Account AR Control - USD (Balance Sheet) Yes $117.50 2 £58.75 1.2 €70.50
Analysis Sales - Parts (Income Statement) Yes $100.00 2 £50.00 1.2 €60.00
Tax VAT Output (Balance Sheet) No $17.50 2 £8.75 1.2 €10.50

CRV Wizard

Revaluation Criteria


Transaction Line Items - Revalued

This table shows what the transaction line values would be if the new exchange rates were applied. The original transaction lines are not changed; any differences are accounted for in the resulting CRV documents.

Line Type GLA GLA Allows Revaluation? Doc Value Home Exchange Rate Home Value Dual Exchange Rate Dual Value
Account AR Control - USD (Balance Sheet) Yes $117.50 4 £29.38 2.0 €58.76
Analysis Sales - Parts (Income Statement) Yes $100.00 4 £25.00 2.0 €50.00
Tax VAT Output (Balance Sheet) No $17.50 2 £8.75 1.2 €10.50

CRV Documents

In this example, two CRV documents are generated: one for the Income Statement revaluation, and one for the Balance Sheet revaluation.

CRV Document 1 (Income Statement)

GLA Home Adjustment Value Dual Adjustment Value
Sales - Parts 25 10

CRV Document 2 (Balance Sheet)

GLA Home Adjustment Value Dual Adjustment Value
AR Control - USD 29.37 11.74

Upon posting a CRV document, the adjustment values are debited from the GLA on the transaction line item, and credited to the Unrealized Gains/Losses GLA specified in the Revaluation Criteria.

Transaction line items that have been included in an Income Statement revaluation (the line posted to the Sales - Parts GLA in this example) are updated with the CRV reference number so that they cannot be revalued again accidentally. For more information, see Error Handling in Currency Revaluation.