Publication Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a publication.

Publication Details

Key: * – Mandatory field; u – The combination of these fields must be unique for the publication.

The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field       Description
Description     255 Description of the publication.
Enabled       Indicates whether the publication is enabled.
Message Type * u   Lookup to the message type to which this publication relates.
Publication Name * u 80 Name of the publication.
Publisher * u  

The name of the registered product to which this publication relates. This is automatically populated with the registered product from which the publication was created.

Implementation Details

Field     Description
Documentation URL     An optional link to detailed documentation about the publication.
Identifier u 255 Identifier of the publication. This must be unique for custom publications. If you do not enter a value, this field is automatically set to a combination of the Publication Name and Source Object when you save the publication.
Note: Note Notepad
To help prevent a situation where there is a duplicate identifier, we recommend that you use a naming convention such as Vendor-AppName-IdentifierName. For example, FF-PSA-MyIdentifier.
Link Control Developer Name     The unique name used when creating a link control publication for this publication. We recommend that you complete this field when creating a declarative publication to prevent an error from occurring when the link control is edited.
Link Control For *   Lookup to the publication to which the link control is to be associated.
Obsolete     Indicates whether the product containing the publication is still installed in the organization.
Proxy   u Lookup to the proxy associated with this publication.
Sending Hook     Name of the ApexClosedSalesforce's object-oriented, on-demand programming language. class that determines the way in which messages are delivered. This class must implement the Foundations SendingHook interface.
Use Process Builder    

Indicates whether Process Builder is used to trigger message delivery:

  • When cleared, the trigger supplied with the publication is used.
  • When selected, the process associated with the publication identifier is used. The Sending Hook must contain the name of an Apex class that implements the SendingHook interface.

By default, the checkbox is cleared.

Note: Note Notepad
When you select this checkbox, you must create a process in Salesforce Process Builder and associate it with the identifier of the publication. See the Salesforce Help for more information.

Source Object

This section describes the fields that appear on the Set Source Object popup when you click Source Object.

Field     Description
Source Object     The target that the source object is to be mapped to.
Correlation Field *   A field that correlates a published message with the source object.

Description Section

This section describes the columns in the Description section of a publication.

Column Description
Key The identifier of a node that is included in the publication. A corresponding subscription can then pick the information up using this identifier.
Description Description of the field or information.
Managed Indicates whether the node included in the publication is part of a managed package. When the field is selected, you cannot change the information.


Button Description
Folder icon used to represent a relationship node. A relationship node included in the publication. This may contain one or more nodes as part of a tree.
document icon used to represent a field or static node in the publication. A field node or static node included in the publication. If the node contains static information, its label is shown in Italic in the Key column.
Tick icon used to indicate that the node is managed. Indicates that the node is managed and you cannot edit or delete it.
Full Clone Enables you to create a deep clone of the publication including its fields and link control subscriptions.
Add node icon. White plus symbol inside green circle Add Enables you to add a node to the publication.
Delete Node icon. Gray cross. Delete Enables you to remove the node from the publication
Edit Node Icon. Grey crayon Edit Enables you to edit the node in the publication.
Export Publication Displays the Export Publications and Subscriptions page, which enables you to export the publication to a JSONClosedJavaScript Object Notation. A lightweight format based on a subset of JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. This is a text based format that is easy for both humans and computers to read and write. file for import to another Salesforce orgClosedSalesforce organization.
Eye icon with line through it. Icon that represents hiding the field properties. Hide Properties Hides the Node Properties popup if it is displayed.
Import Publication Displays the Import Publications and Subscriptions page, which enables you to import a publication in a JSON file.
Eye icon. Icon that represents showing the field properties. Show Properties Shows Node Properties popup that lists the properties of the selected node.