Comparing the Permission Differences between Selection 1 and Selection 2

After the permission sets, permission set groups, profiles, or users are added to selection 1 or selection 2, you can compare the differences in the permissions for each permission type, such as for field and object.

You can identify the permissions present in selection 1 or selection 2 only for each permission type and then decide whether you want to save the permissions present in selection 1 or selection 2 to a new permission set or the muting permission set.

Note: This functionality only compares the differences in the permissions for each permission type that are added to selection 1 versus selection 2. It does not modify any selection 1 or selection 2 permissions.


You, as a Billing Administrator, add the following permission types and identify permission differences: Create, Read, Modify All, Update All, Edit and Delete permissions for objects and Read and Edit permissions for fields.



Permission Types

Object Name Permissions Present in Selection 1 Only

Permissions Present in Selection 2 Only

Permission Set Object Company - Read
Company Credit Terms - Read, Create, Edit, Delete
Foundations Batch Process Read, View All -
Foundations Batch Process Detail Read, View All -
Permission Set Group Object Billing Document Line Item Create, Edit, Delete View All
Profile Object Account Create, Edit, Delete View All
Feedback Question Set Delete View All
User Object Scheduled Job Run Read, View All -



Permission Types

Field Name

Object Name

Permissions Present in Selection 1 Only

Permissions Present in Selection 2 Only

Permission Set Field Title Contact - Read, Edit
Permission Set Group Field Account Number Account Read -
Profile Field Parent Case ID Case - Read
User Field Tax Registration Number Company Tax Information - Read, Edit
Note: We recommend that you do not compare the standard System Administrator profile with users because this can affect performance.

To compare the differences in the permission for each permission type, perform the following steps:

Note: To use the compare functionality, you must ensure that you have necessary the permissions assigned in Foundations. Contact your administrator if you require permissions.
  1. From the Permission Workbench tab, click Compare to compare the differences in the permission present in the selection 1 and selection 2 list only for each permission type.
    Note: When comparing permission types, the amount of time needed to process the request is variable and some time might elapse before the amendment to the permission is displayed. This is due to Salesforce operations processing in the background.
  2. In the Differences between Selection 1 and Selection 2 window, select your required permission types to view the permissions present only in selection 1 and selection 2. The available permission types are:
    • Field
    • Object
  3. [Optional] Enter the name for the permission type in the search field to perform the search. A list of the permission differences that match the search term is displayed.
    Note: The list of the permission differences is presented alphabetically according to the object name.
  4. Review the differences in the permission for each permission type present in selection 1 and selection 2 only.
  5. Click Save As to save the differences in the permission present in selection 1 or selection 2 to a new permission set or muting permission set.

Repeat these steps each time to compare the differences in the permission for each permission type.

For more information on saving the differences in permission, see Saving the Permission Differences.

Best Practice

We recommend you turn off the debug logs when comparing large permission types in Permission Workbench.