Merging Permissions of Permission Types from Selection 1 or Selection 2

This functionality allows you to merge the permissions for each permission type that have been added to either or both selection 1 and selection 2. It enables you to merge the permissions of one or more fields and objects to a new permission set or muting permission set.

For example, as an administrator, can add the Analytics Cloud Integration User profile to selection 1 and Standard Platform User profile to selection 2, or add the Analytics Cloud Integration User profile to selection 1 and save the profile field and object permissions to a new permission or muting permission set.

To merge the permissions of each permission type, perform the following steps:

Note: To use the merge functionality, you must ensure that you have necessary permissions assigned in Foundations. Contact your administrator if you require permissions.
  1. From the Permission Workbench tab, click Merge to merge and view each permission type’s merged permissions added to either or both selection 1 and selection 2.
    Note: When merging the permission type, the amount of time needed to process the request is variable and some time might elapse before the merged permissions are displayed. This is due to Salesforce operations processing in the background.
  2. In the Merged Permissions window, select your required permission types to view the merged permissions.
  3. [Optional] Enter the name for the permission type in the search field to perform the search. A list of the merged permissions that match the search term is displayed.
  4. Review the merged permissions.
  5. Click Save As to save the merged permissions to a new permission set or muting permission sets. For more information, see Saving Merged Permissions.

Repeat these steps each time to merge each permission type’s permissions.