Backlog Dashboard

The Backlog dashboard displays data from the Backlog dataset.

This dashboard enables you to:

By default, this dashboard displays data for the current fiscal quarter.

For more details of the fields used by the Backlog dashboard, see Backlog Dataset PSA Analytics Output Fields.

Backlog Dashboard Charts

The Backlog Dashboard contains the following charts:

Backlog Charts





Regions, Practices, and Groups Stacked column comparison chart Enables you to compare the sum of the backlog and unscheduled backlog by region, practice, or group. You can use the Hierarchy Level drop-down menu to breakdown the data into its different levels.
Backlog Project Status Stacked column comparison chart Enables you to compare the sum of backlog amount and project status over time. You can use the time period type filter to change the timescale you want to group the data by.
Accounts and Projects Treemap comparison chart Enables you to compare the sum of the backlog and unscheduled backlog by account or project. This chart is faceted with the Summary table enabling you to use the drop-down menu to group the summary data.
Summary Summary table Displays a summary of the backlog amount of your selection. This chart is faceted with the Accounts and Projects chart, enabling you to use the drop-down menu to group the summary data.
Types, Stages, Project Managers, and Opportunities Treemap comparison chart Enables you to compare the sum of backlog amount by billing type, project stage, project manager or opportunity.
Tip: There is an additional functionality in the Backlog dashboard charts. The drop-down menu for Backlog by Account or Project is linked to the summary chart. Use this functionality to have a more detailed view of your backlog data.
For example, you can click Account to show the account names the current projects belong to in the summary chart.

For more information about dashboard functionality, see Using the Dashboards Charts.