Additional Prerequisites to Use Asperato with a Community

You must carry out the following steps to use the Asperato Integration with a Community:


This is only a prerequisite if you want to enable customers to make payments through their Community page. You can omit this step and use the Asperato Integration for authorized payments and manual payments. If this step is omitted, you can send customers a payment link by email, provided the required email templates are configured in your org.

  1. You must successfully enable, configure, and activate Salesforce Communities in your org using the Tabs + Visualforce template. Lightning users can use the Lightning Community Templates. See the "Getting Started with FM Communities" documents for Classic and Lightning from the Certinia Community website for more information on how to do these tasks.
  2. You must set your accounts to "Enable As Customer" (Manage External Account).
  3. You must set your contacts to "Enable Customer User" (Manage External User).
  4. You must allocate the related external Community users a Salesforce Customer Community or Customer Community Login user license, and a Accounting license.
  5. To enable external Community users to make payments using the Asperato Integration "Pay Now" button, assign each external Community user a Asperato Integration license. For more information on licensing, contact your Certinia Onboarding team.

See the Salesforce Help for more information on how to allocate licenses for installed packages.