Custom Settings

Some aspects of the Asperato Integration are controlled by the Asperato Settings (FF) custom settings. You must be signed in with administrator permissions to manage custom settings.

To access the Asperato Settings (FF) custom settings:

  1. From Setup, click Develop | Custom Settings. If you are using Lightning Experience: From Setup, click Custom Code | Custom Settings.
  2. Click Asperato Settings (FF) and click Manage.

Asperato Settings

Key: D – Deprecated




Default Payment Route Options  

The payment route options that are selected by default when making a payment without an authorization. You can enter one or more of the following payment route options, separated with a semicolon (;):

  • Card
  • Direct Debit
  • eCheck
  • PayPal
Enable Automated Cash Processing   Enable this checkbox if you want to automatically create a cash entry to represent an Asperato payment when the stage of the payment is "Collected from Customer". The cash entry is then matched to the associated invoice. By default, this is deselected.
This setting is ignored when processing a single payment for multiple invoices.
Enable Automated Payments  

Enable this checkbox to generate an Asperato Payment when an invoice is posted for an account configured for Asperato payments. By default, this is deselected.

If you have enabled automated payments then the payment’s due date is set as follows:
  • Payment with an authorization: The due date of the invoice against which a payment is made.
  • Payment without an authorization: The date on which the payment is created.
Notification Recipients   Enter the email addresses of users who want to receive email notifications for Asperato Payment Batch processes. This field can contain one or more email addresses separated by a semicolon (;).
Pay Now Image URL   The static resource path for the image used on the Pay Now button. For example: /resource/<image name>. You can use the supplied Pay Now button image, or upload your own. See Setting up the Pay Now Button Image for help on configuring the Pay Now button.
DEPRECATED: Prevent Partial Payment D

This field is obsolete. The Enable partial payment setting of the Asperato ONE custom setting replaces the functionality of the Prevent Partial Payment field.