Creating a Dedicated User

You must create a dedicated user to perform the following tasks. These are the only tasks required for this user.

Once you have performed the dedicated user tasks, you must not log in to the dedicated user again.
Dedicated User Tasks




Asperato ONE
  • Accounting license
  • Administrator permissions
  • Access to all companies in your org
The initial setup of Asperato ONE. For more information on the steps required to configure Asperato ONE, see the Asperato documentation.
Asperato Integration

Configure the following scheduled Apex jobs:

  • The Payment Processing Apex job, used for cash-matching payments.
  • The deletion and recreation of the Asperato Repeat Payment Apex job. For more information on these scheduled jobs, see Setting up Scheduled Jobs.

In a multi-company org, or when using the single payment for multiple invoices feature, the dedicated user must have all companies selected when scheduling and running these scheduled Apex jobs.