Setting up Custom Input Forms

Enabling custom input forms for a document type is an org-wide action and must be performed by a user with administrator privileges. For further information on setting up, creating, assigning, and managing custom input forms, see the Accounting Help.

To configure the custom input form for sales invoices:

  1. Click the Input Form Manager tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. On the Create New Form dialog, select Sales Invoice.
  4. Select Input.
  5. Click Continue. The default form for your chosen document type and form type is loaded as the basis of the new form.
  6. Add the Bank Account field to the Header section by selecting Sales Invoice Header Items from the Fields List and then dragging the field from the list into the Header section.
  7. Enter a name for your input form, and click Save.
  8. On the Create New Form dialog, select Sales Invoice.
  9. Select View.
  10. Click Continue.
  11. Add the following fields to the Header section by selecting Sales Invoice Header Items from the Fields List and then dragging these fields from the list into the Header section:
    • Bank Account
    • Payment
    • Payment Link
    • Payment Link URL
  12. Click Add or Edit Related List | Create New Related List.
  13. Enter Payment Worker in the Related List Name field.
  14. Select "Payment Workers(ffasp__PaymentWorkersInvoice)" from the Related List drop-down.
  15. Move the following fields from the Available Fields list to the Displayed Fields list:
    • Created Date
    • Error Log
    • Payment
    • Payment Worker Name
    • Sales Invoice
  16. Choose which field you want to use to sort the related list, and whether you want to sort in ascending or descending order.
  17. Click OK.
  18. Click Add or Edit Related List | Create New Related List.
  19. Enter Payments in the Related List Name field.
  20. Select "Payments(ffasp__Payments)" from the Related List drop-down.
  21. Move the following fields from the Available Fields list to the Displayed Fields list:
    • Amount
    • Asperato Reference
    • Authorisation
    • Card Type
    • Created Date
    • Currency ISO Code
    • Direct Debit Error Code
    • Due Date
    • Error Code
    • Payment Date
    • Payment Number
    • Payment Route Selected
    • Payment Stage
    • Process Date
  22. Choose which field you want to use to sort the related list, and whether you want to sort in ascending or descending order.
  23. Click OK.
  24. Enter a name for your View form, and click Save.

Once you have created a custom input form, it does not take effect until you assign it to the companies you want to use it, and then activate it. You can assign and activate forms on the Input Form Manager - List View. Your administrator must also have overridden the New, Edit, and View buttons on the custom object for the document type to use custom forms. For more information, Setting up Custom Input Forms.


Payments are not retrospectively created for existing, posted sales invoices and billing documents after installing and configuring the Asperato Integration package. However, you can manually create payments for sales invoices and billing documents created prior to installing and configuring the package, provided these have not been posted.