Creating a ClickLink Rule

To create a master or detail level ClickLink rule:

  1. Click the ClickLink Rules tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. Complete the fields described in Rule Fields.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Create ClickLink mappings for the rule by creating a detailed mapping or a basic mapping as follows:

    Mapping type How to do it:
    Detailed Mapping – requires that you know the API names of the object fields you want to use in the rule. Click New ClickLink Mapping.
    On the New ClickLink Mapping page, complete the fields described in Mapping Fields. See Field Compatibility with Synchronization for the types of fields that you can map.
    Click Save.
    Basic Mapping – you do not need to know the API names of the object fields you want to use in the rule. Click New Basic ClickLink Mapping.
    On the Create Basic Mapping page, from the drop-down lists, select the Source Object Field and the Target Object Field you want to map.
    Click Save.

    ClickLink will warn you if you try to map incompatible fields.
    ClickLink will distinguish any duplicate field names by adding their individual API names.

  6. Repeat the step above to create the mappings you require.