Relationship Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the ClickLink Relationship page.

Key: * – Mandatory; R – Read-only; # – Only one of these fields is displayed depending on the page layout your administrator has chosen. One of the fields must be completed.

ClickLink Relationship Fields
Field     Description
Master ClickLink Rule   R Master level ClickLink rule to which the relationship applies.
Detail ClickLink Rule *   Detail level rule to which the relationship applies.
Description *   Description of the relationship.
Source Relationship Name #   The name of the master detail relationship for the source record. This is the child relationship name in the field defining the master detail relationship. For custom source objects add the suffix __r to the Source Relationship Name. Salesforce objects such as OpportunityLineItems do not require the suffix.

If the source object is the same as the target header and target detail objects, you can leave this field blank.

Relationship Target Field *   The field on the target detail object that specifies the master detail relationship with the target master object.
Source Relationship Field #   The name the field that makes the relationship between master and detail objects.

If the source object is the same as the target header and target detail objects, you can leave this field blank.