Creating Buttons and Modifying Page Layouts

To run a ClickLink rule, you create custom buttons that are displayed on an object's detail page, and list view buttons that are displayed on a list view.

Warning: We recommend you select the Require CSRF protection on GET requests checkbox when creating Visualforce pages, as a security measure.
Note: You can also place list view buttons on objects that link to the source object. To do this, you create ClickLink buttons to link to the source object in a ClickLink rule using the list object fields. See Button Fields for more information.

To create the Visualforce pages and buttons that invoke it:

  1. Create Visualforce pages to create the records for your ClickLink rule.

    Here is an example of a Visualforce page that processes a single record:

    <apex:page standardController="pse__Vendor_Invoice__c" extensions="ffirule.IntegrationRuleEngine" action="{!convert}">

    <ffirule:IntegrationRule engine="{!engine}"/>

    Here is an example of a Visualforce page that processes records in a list view:

    <apex:page standardController="pse__Vendor_Invoice__c" extensions="ffirule.IntegrationRuleEngine" action="{!convert}" recordSetVar="records">

    <ffirule:IntegrationRule engine="{!engine}"/></apex:page>
    Tip: You can copy the samples from the Button Page Samples section of the ClickLink Button page and modify them.
    Warning: If you are using formula fields Lightning Experience, the formula fields are incorrect because formulas are only calculated on save, not on create or edit. This is a Salesforce limitation.
  2. In the master level ClickLink rule, create ClickLink buttons to access the Visualforce pages you created in the previous step. See Button Fields.
  3. In the source object, add custom buttons and links that use the Visualforce pages created earlier.
  4. Add the custom buttons and links you created in the previous step to the source object page layout and the search layout.