Team Schedule Slot Type Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a team schedule slot type record.

Key: * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Description   A description for the time slot type.
Is Blocking   

If selected, spots in overlapping shifts show visual indicators of potential schedule conflicts in Team Schedule Planner.


Designating time slots as blocking only controls the display of visual indicators. Time slots designated as blocking do not prevent you from scheduling conflicting assignments.

Is Holiday   If selected, defines the shift as a holiday shift.
Is Weekend Shift   If selected, defines the shift as a weekend shift. Hours scheduled in time slots designated as a weekend are summarized and display in the Weekend Total column on the Fill Schedule tab in Team Schedule Planner.
Type * A text label to associate with the Team Schedule Slot Type Name field.
Team Schedule Slot Type Name    An auto-generated numeric value for the slot type.