Change the Due Date of a Task

You can change the status of a task from the Task Management Task View.

To change the Due Date of a Task:

  1. Navigate to the Day View that currently holds the task you want to move. For more information see Task Management Day View.
  2. Select and drag the task to Change Due Date. Use the Shift key to select multiple tasks. Refer to the table below.
  3. Release the task when you see the background of the Change Due Date button change from gray to green.
  4. Click the new due date you want to assign to the task. Scroll through months as required.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Here is a description of the panes visible when you change the Due Date of a task.

Button Description
The selected task cannot be dropped here.
The selected task can be dropped here.

Ghost pane visible when a single task is dragged.

The selected task cannot be dropped here.

Ghost pane visible when a single task is dragged.

The selected task can be dropped here.

Ghost pane visible when multiple tasks are dragged.

The selected tasks cannot be dropped here.

Two tasks are selected, one of which is complete and cannot be moved.

Ghost pane visible when multiple tasks are dragged.

One of the selected tasks can be dropped here.

Two tasks are selected, one of which is complete and cannot be moved.