Action Views Fields

Here is a description of the interface elements on the Action Views page.

Button Bar

Button Description
Back to List Returns you to the most recently displayed list view.
Edit Loads the active tab's action view template for editing.
Open Help Opens the related Reporting Help topic.
Maximize Restore Maximizes/Restores the page in your browser window.


The results of an action view are displayed within a tab named after the action view template. (You can rename a tab by double-clicking on it and entering an alternative name.) The Run Action View in a new tab icon lets you run a new action view in a separate tab. When you click New Action View a popup is displayed for you to choose the action view template you want to use for the new action view.

Selection Prompts

If the selection rule associated with the action view template contains criteria set to prompt, or any filters on the action view template or dataview have criteria set to prompt, these criteria are listed so that you can supply the relevant values. Row selection prompts are listed first, followed by column filter prompts, followed by dataview filter prompts.

To see a picklist of the values that you can use in the prompts, click Expand picklist values. If you leave a value blank, the action view looks for blank values of that field. (Values can only be left blank if the prompt is using the "=" or "<>" operator.) If the value is a date, you can enter either an explicit date (hard date) or an offset of the current date (soft dateClosed Salesforce refers to soft dates as "relative date values". Accounting supports the following relative date values: Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, Last "n" Days, Next "n" Days, This Week, Last Week, Next Week, This Year, Last Year, Next Year. See the Salesforce Help for details of how these relative date values are resolved. Note that Last "n" Days and Next "n" Days are ranges. For example if today is May 25 then Last 3 Days is from May 23 to May 25. A filter on transaction date of "< Last 3 days" would retrieve transactions dated prior to May 23.). If you want to ignore a criterion, click its "x" icon to remove it from the list of prompts.


At runtime you can change the operator for prompts. For example, you may want to use <= instead of =.


Clicking some icons in this toolbar opens a panel where you can specify further information. The icon is shaded blue when the panel is open; you can click the icon again to close the panel. When a display change has been applied that affects values displayed, the icon is shaded amber.

If the action view is inquiring on summarized data, the date when the data was built is displayed in the toolbar.

Icon Description
Filter Filter the results. See Filtering Action View Results for more information. The current filter expression is saved when you save your view.
Sort and Group Sort and group the results. See Sorting and Grouping Action View Results for more information. The current sorting options are saved when you save your view.
Toggle Column Display Displays a shortcut menu where you can toggle the display of columns on or off. (The same shortcut menu can be accessed by clicking the icon on a column heading and choosing Columns.) The visible or hidden status of columns is saved when you save your view.
Display Grand Totals Turns the display of grand totals below all numeric columns on or off. The status of this option is saved when you save your view.
Display Data as Charts Turns the display of data as charts on or off.
Configure Chart Settings Enables you to configure your chart settings. See the Chart settings in Action View Template Fields.
Aggregation Turns aggregation on or off. When aggregation is enabled, rows displaying the same information are rolled up into a summary row. Hiding columns can cause further aggregation to be applied as rows lose their uniqueness. See Aggregating Action View Results for more information. When disabled, aggregation is not applied; any previous aggregation is removed. The status of this option is saved when you save your view.
Document Count Turns the display of document count in filtered columns on or off. The status of this option is saved when you save your view.
Automatic Scrolling Turns automatic scrolling on or off. You might want to enable automatic scrolling when reordering columns in the grid.
Save button Saves your current view. This saves your current display settings for the action view template that is in use.
Restore button Restores the display settings that were in effect when you last saved your view.
Reset button Resets the display settings to the defaults defined on the action view template.
Enables you to perform actions on the selected rows Lets you perform actions on selected rows in the results grid. See Performing Actions From Action Views for more information.
Enables you to export the results to a spreadsheet Lets you export the results to a spreadsheet. Currently only Microsoft Excel (XLSX) is supported. See Exporting Action View Results for more information.
Indicates whether an associated Related Content Pane exists If a related content pane is associated with this action view template then this icon is shown. Click to see the name of the pane. If more than one pane is available you can change the default pane from the drop-down.
Show Query Displays the database query responsible for retrieving the current results. Use the Select Text button if you want to select the query for copying elsewhere; this might be useful if you want to send it to your System Administrator or to Customer Support.
Retrieve Lets you refresh the results or re-run the action view using a different selection rule. See Retrieving New Data for more information.


The first two columns in the grid are fixed and are described below. The remaining columns are determined by the action view template. The Link icon icon in a column heading indicates that values in that column are drillable. The Formula icon icon in a column heading indicates that it is a formula column.

Click in a column heading to see a shortcut menu of options.

Column Description
Flag icon Marks the row for attention. The flagged status of rows is saved when you save your view, so that when you re-run the same action view later, the rows you had flagged are still shown as flagged. If rows cannot be flagged (the No Entry icon symbol is displayed in the column), contact your System Administrator because the key field may need adding to the action view template.
Checkbox Selects the current row.