Setting Up Action Views

To run an action view, you need the following configuration:

  • A dataview must be set up for the object, or objects, of interest. Some standard dataviews are supplied with Reporting for inquiring on custom objects.
  • An action view template must be set up to define what data is retrieved using the dataview, and how it is presented.
  • [Optional] A related content pane if you want to see associated information.
  • [Optional] A summarization template if you are using Reporting with Accounting and want to summarize high volumes of data.

For more information see What is a Dataview?, What is an Action View Template?, and What is Summarization?.


You can save time when setting up action views by copying dataviews, action view templates, and summarization templates between orgs. For details see Exporting and Importing Action Views. You can also download sample action view templates from the Accounting group in the Certinia Customer Community, then import them into your organization.

When the setup is complete, you can run an action view to inquire on document and balance details. The results display either in a chart or in a grid where you can:

  • Drill on values to display further analysis
  • Flag rows for attention
  • Filter the data
  • Adjust how the data is sorted and grouped
  • Invoke custom actions
  • Open a related content pane to view and, in some cases, edit further information
  • Re-run the action view (or run a different action view) to retrieve fresh data
  • Export the results to a spreadsheet
  • Personalize the display, for example, hide columns, reorder columns, change tab names, and turn grand totals on or off

For information about how to run action views and how to work with the results, see Running Action Views and the related topics.